{% extends 'base.html' %} {% block title %} All Posts · {{ super() }} {% endblock title %} {% block head_description %} Full archives of {{ SITENAME|striptags|e }} blog. {% endblock head_description %} {% block meta_tags_in_head %} {{ super() }} {% from '_includes/_defaults.html' import FEATURED_IMAGE with context %} {% if FEATURED_IMAGE %} {% endif %} {% endblock meta_tags_in_head %} {% block content %}
{% set last_year = 0 %} {% for article in dates %} {% set year = article.date.strftime('%Y') %} {%if last_year != year %}

{{ year }}

{% set last_year = year %} {% endif %} {% set next_year = 0 %} {% if not loop.last %} {% set next = loop.index0 + 1 %} {% set next_article = dates[next] %} {% set next_year = next_article.date.strftime('%Y') %} {% endif %} {% if next_year != year %}
{% endblock content %}