{% extends 'base.html' %} {% block title %} {{ super() }} {% endblock title %} {% block meta_tags_in_head %} {{ super() }} {% from '_includes/_defaults.html' import LANDING_PAGE_ABOUT with context %} {% if LANDING_PAGE_ABOUT and LANDING_PAGE_ABOUT.title %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% from '_includes/_defaults.html' import SITE_DESCRIPTION with context %} {% if SITE_DESCRIPTION %} {% endif %} {% from '_includes/_defaults.html' import TWITTER_USERNAME with context %} {%if TWITTER_USERNAME %} {% endif %} {% from '_includes/_defaults.html' import SOCIAL_MEDIA_IMAGE with context %} {% if SOCIAL_MEDIA_IMAGE %} {% endif %} {% endblock meta_tags_in_head %} {% block content %} {% from '_includes/_defaults.html' import LANDING_PAGE_ABOUT with context %} {% from '_includes/_defaults.html' import PROJECTS with context %}