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Remove Scala font and use PT Serif instead

I can't make Scala work on all platforms
Talha Mansoor vor 11 Jahren

+ 2 - 25

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-c-44 0 -85.499 9.16406 -124.499 27.4971s-73.333 43 -103 74s-53 67.167 -70 108.5s-25.5 85.333 -25.5 132s8.5 90.834 25.5 132.501s40.167 78.167 69.5 109.5s63.666 56 102.999 74s81 27 125 27c43.333 0 84.5 -9.16699 123.5 -27.5s73 -43 102 -74
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-s18.167 -58 33.5 -88l340 392c-42 52 -95.333 78 -160 78c-32 0 -61.667 -7.16699 -89 -21.5s-51 -34.333 -71 -60s-35.667 -56.167 -47 -91.5s-17 -73.666 -17 -114.999zM40 -24.001l102.002 116.999c-32 35.333 -55.5 72 -70.5 110s-22.5 80.333 -22.5 127
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-s-19 57.834 -19 90.501v409h-75v37h238v-37h-75v-378c0 -30 4.33301 -57.333 13 -82s20.834 -45.834 36.501 -63.501s34.667 -31.167 57 -40.5s47.5 -14 75.5 -14c28.667 0 54.667 4.83301 78 14.5s43.333 23.334 60 41.001s29.667 38.834 39 63.501s14 52 14 82v377h-75v37
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-s-39.833 44.333 -52.5 72s-19 57.834 -19 90.501v409h-75v37h238v-37h-75v-378c0 -30 4.33301 -57.333 13 -82s20.834 -45.834 36.501 -63.501s34.667 -31.167 57 -40.5s47.5 -14 75.5 -14c28.667 0 54.667 4.83301 78 14.5s43.333 23.334 60 41.001
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-s28.5 -47.833 28.5 -80.5c0 -42 -15.333 -74.833 -46 -98.5s-73 -35.5 -127 -35.5c-32 0 -59.667 3.66699 -83 11s-47 19.666 -71 36.999l48 61c18.667 -26.667 36.5 -45.167 53.5 -55.5s37.5 -15.5 61.5 -15.5c28 0 51.667 7.5 71 22.5s29 33.167 29 54.5
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-s-11.5 -2 -15.5 -2c-15.333 0 -27.333 5.16699 -36 15.5s-13 24.833 -13 43.5v10c-21.333 -26 -42.166 -44.667 -62.499 -56s-43.833 -17 -70.5 -17c-34.667 0 -63.334 10.667 -86.001 32s-34 49 -34 83c0 25.333 7.5 47.666 22.5 66.999s34.5 31.666 58.5 36.999l171 39
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-s-43.833 -17 -70.5 -17c-34.667 0 -63.334 10.667 -86.001 32s-34 49 -34 83c0 25.333 7.5 47.666 22.5 66.999s34.5 31.666 58.5 36.999l171 39v113c0 20 -6.66699 36.5 -20 49.5s-30 19.5 -50 19.5c-10 0 -19.167 -1 -27.5 -3s-19.833 -6.66699 -34.5 -14v-48l-89 -26
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-s-21.833 -14.167 -35.5 -18.5s-28.5 -6.5 -44.5 -6.5c-5.33301 0 -10.333 0.166992 -15 0.5s-9.5 1 -14.5 2l-17.5 3.5c-6.66699 1.33301 -15 3.33301 -25 6c-2 0.666992 -4.33301 1.33398 -7 2.00098s-5.66699 1.66699 -9 3l27 51
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-s-55.5 90.833 -55.5 157.5c0 34.667 6 66.667 18 96s28.667 54.333 50 75s47 36.834 77 48.501s63 17.5 99 17.5c10.667 0 20.334 -0.5 29.001 -1.5s17.334 -3.16699 26.001 -6.5s18 -7.83301 28 -13.5s22 -12.834 36 -21.501l-51 -58c-8 8.66699 -15 15.667 -21 21
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-c8 0 14.833 0.333008 20.5 1s11.167 2.33398 16.5 5.00098s10.833 6.5 16.5 11.5s12.834 11.833 21.501 20.5l24 -16c-12 -14.667 -23 -26.834 -33 -36.501s-19.833 -17.334 -29.5 -23.001s-19.834 -9.66699 -30.501 -12s-22.667 -3.5 -36 -3.5
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