@@ -1,5 +1,32 @@
Follow the code style of the existing codebase
-1. Use single ('') rather than double ("") quotation marks for Jinja strings.
-1. Use double ("") quotation marks around HTML attributes.
+1. Use single ('') rather than double ("") quotation marks for Jinja strings
+1. Use double ("") quotation marks around HTML attributes
+2. End files with a newline
+CSS Formatting Rules
+1. Font name's first letter should be capital
+2. Add a space after comma
+3. Declarations should be sorted alphabetically
+4. Use a single space between the last selector and the opening brace that begins the declaration block
+5. Group together related classes and identities
+6. Add a space after colon
+7. Remove leading 0s
+8. Remove unit specification after 0 values
+9. Use three digit Hex notation for colors whereever possible
+10. User hyphen `-` instead of underscore `_` in class and identity names
+Refer to [Google's HTML/CSS Style Guide](http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/htmlcssguide.xml) for all
+other formatting rules.
+New Features and Styles
+If you plan to add new features to the theme, please make sure
+1. You set sensible defaults so that theme works out of the box, without forcing user to set any variable
+2. Your feature should not effect readability and reading experience
+3. It should not be distracting for the reader