# TUIJam A fancy TUI client for Google Play Music. TUIJam seeks to make a simple, attractive, terminal-based interface to listening to music for Google Play Music All-Access subscribers. [![asciicast](https://asciinema.org/a/155875.png)](https://asciinema.org/a/155875) # Dependencies * [Python >= 3.6](https://www.python.org/downloads) * [mpv](https://mpv.io) # Installation ```bash git clone git@github.com:cfangmeier/tuijam.git cd tuijam python setup.py install --user ``` # Configuration Login credentials are stored in `$HOME/.config/tuijam/config.yaml`. An example config file might look like: ```yaml email: you@your-email.com password: your-password device_id: yourdeviceid ``` Note that if you have 2-factor setup on your Google account, you need to make an app-password for TUIJam. To find your device ID, first put your email and password in the config file, then run `gpymusic-get-dev-id`. If your login works, you will get a list of acceptable device ids, place any one of them into the config file. # Controls - `ctrl-c` quit - `ctrl-p` toggle play/pause - `ctrl-n` move to next song - `ctrl-r` view recently played songs - `ctrl-s` shuffle queued songs (Note: If this hangs, try running `stty -ixon` in your terminal and restarting `tuijam`) - `>` seek forward 10 seconds - `<` seek backwards 10 seconds - `+` volume up - `-` volume down - `tab`/`shift-tab` cycle focus through search/queue/input windows - In search window, - `q` Add selected song/album to queue - `r` Create radio station around selected song/album/artist and add 50 songs from it to queue - `e` view information about selected song/album/artist - `backspace` go back in search/expand history - In queue window, - `u` move selected song up in queue - `d` move selected song down in queue - `delete` remove selected song from queue - In input window, - Type search query and press enter. Results are shown in search window. # Thanks TUIJam was heavily inspired by the [gpymusic](https://github.com/christopher-dG/gpymusic) project, and, of course, could not exists without the great [gmusicapi](https://github.com/simon-weber/gmusicapi).