@@ -63,8 +63,18 @@
namespace fv {
+ class GenValue; // Forward declaration
template<typename T>
- class Value;
+ class Value; // Forward declaration
+ /**
+ * A static mapping containing all created Value objects.
+ * Every value object must have a unique name, and this name is used as
+ * a key in values to that object. This is used to enable more dynamic
+ * creation of objects as well as avoiding the uneccesary passing of
+ * pointers.
+ */
+ std::map<std::pair<const std::type_index, const std::string>, GenValue *> values;
* A type-agnostic value.
@@ -72,10 +82,6 @@ namespace fv {
* it is possible to handle collections of them. GenValue also provides the
* rest of the type-independent interface to Value.
- class GenValue;
- typedef std::map<std::string, GenValue *> ValueSet;
class GenValue {
@@ -98,34 +104,11 @@ namespace fv {
this->value_valid = false;
- /**
- * A static mapping containing all created Value objects.
- * Every value object must have a unique name, and this name is used as
- * a key in values to that object. This is used to enable more dynamic
- * creation of objects as well as avoiding the uneccesary passing of
- * pointers.
- */
- inline static std::map<std::pair<const std::type_index, const std::string>, GenValue *> values;
- /**
- * Composite value names are typically nested. This makes complex
- * values have rather unwieldy names. Therefore, one can declare
- * aliases which allow for more human-usable names to be used. When a
- * value is requested by name, an alias with that value takes precidence
- * over a name with that value.
- */
- inline static std::map<std::pair<const std::type_index, const std::string>, GenValue *> aliases;
- GenValue(const std::type_index &&ti, const std::string &name, const std::string &alias)
+ GenValue(const std::type_index &&ti, const std::string &name)
: name(name), value_valid(false) {
- if (alias != "")
- INFO("Registered value: \"" << name << "\" with alias: \"" << alias << "\"");
- else
- INFO("Registered value: \"" << name);
+ INFO("Registered value: \"" << name);
values[std::make_pair(ti, name)] = this;
- if (alias != "")
- GenValue::alias(ti, alias, this);
const std::string &get_name() {
@@ -144,24 +127,7 @@ namespace fv {
static Value<T> *get_value(const std::string &name) {
const std::type_index &ti = typeid(T);
auto lookup_id = std::make_pair(ti, name);
- if (aliases[lookup_id] != nullptr)
- return (Value<T> *) aliases[lookup_id];
- else
- return (Value<T> *) values[lookup_id];
- }
- static void alias(const std::type_index &ti, const std::string &name, GenValue *value) {
- auto lookup_id = std::make_pair(ti, name);
- if (aliases[lookup_id] != nullptr) {
- WARNING("WARNING: alias \"" << name << "\" overrides previous entry.");
- }
- aliases[lookup_id] = value;
- }
- template<typename T>
- static void alias(const std::string &name, Value<T> *value) {
- alias(typeid(T), name, value);
+ return (Value<T> *) values[lookup_id];
static std::string summary() {
@@ -173,21 +139,6 @@ namespace fv {
if (value == nullptr) continue;
ss << "\tVALUE::\"" << key.second << "\" at address " << value << std::endl;
- ss << "And these aliases:" << std::endl;
- for (auto item : aliases) {
- auto &key = item.first;
- auto &value = item.second;
- std::string orig("VOID");
- if (value == nullptr) continue;
- for (auto v_item : values) {
- auto &v_value = v_item.second;
- if (v_value == value) {
- orig = v_value->get_name();
- break;
- }
- }
- ss << "\tALIAS::\"" << key.second << "\" referring to \"" << orig << "\"" << std::endl;
- }
return ss.str();
@@ -212,8 +163,8 @@ namespace fv {
template<typename T>
class Value : public GenValue {
- Value(const std::string &name, const std::string &alias = "")
- : GenValue(typeid(T), name, alias) {}
+ Value(const std::string &name)
+ : GenValue(typeid(T), name) {}
/** Calculate, if necessary, and return the value held by this object.
@@ -221,7 +172,7 @@ namespace fv {
/** Alias to get
- virtual T &operator() () = 0;
+ virtual T &operator()() = 0;
@@ -240,9 +191,8 @@ namespace fv {
T *val_ref;
- ObservedValue(const std::string &name, T *val_ref, const std::string &alias = "")
- : Value<T>(name, alias),
- val_ref(val_ref) {}
+ ObservedValue(const std::string &name, T *val_ref)
+ : Value<T>(name), val_ref(val_ref) {}
static std::string fmt_name(const std::string &name) {
return name;
@@ -258,7 +208,7 @@ namespace fv {
return *val_ref;
- T &operator() (){
+ T &operator()() {
return this->get();
@@ -295,8 +245,8 @@ namespace fv {
virtual void update_value() = 0;
- DerivedValue(const std::string &name, const std::string &alias = "")
- : Value<T>(name, alias) {}
+ DerivedValue(const std::string &name)
+ : Value<T>(name) {}
T &get() {
if (!this->value_valid) {
@@ -309,7 +259,7 @@ namespace fv {
return value;
- T &operator() () {
+ T &operator()() {
return this->get();
@@ -325,8 +275,8 @@ namespace fv {
void update_value() {}
- PointerValue(const std::string &name, T *ptr, const std::string alias = "")
- : DerivedValue<T *>(name, alias) {
+ PointerValue(const std::string &name, T *ptr)
+ : DerivedValue<T *>(name) {
this->value = ptr;
@@ -348,8 +298,8 @@ namespace fv {
- ObjectValue(const std::string &name, T **ptr, const std::string alias = "")
- : DerivedValue<T>(name, alias),
+ ObjectValue(const std::string &name, T **ptr)
+ : DerivedValue<T>(name),
obj_pointer(ptr) {}
@@ -367,11 +317,10 @@ namespace fv {
return "const::" + name;
- ConstantValue(const std::string &name, T const_value, const std::string alias = "")
- : DerivedValue<T>(fmt_name(name), alias) {
+ ConstantValue(const std::string &name, T const_value)
+ : DerivedValue<T>(fmt_name(name)) {
this->value = const_value;
#endif // value_hpp