import ROOT from filval.plotter import hist_plot, hist2d_plot from numpy import ceil class ResultSet: def __init__(self, sample_name, input_filename): self.sample_name = sample_name self.input_filename = input_filename self.load_objects() ResultSet.add_collection(self) def load_objects(self): file = ROOT.TFile.Open(self.input_filename) l = file.GetListOfKeys() = {} try: self.values = dict(file.Get("_value_lookup")) except Exception: self.values = {} for i in range(l.GetSize()): name = l.At(i).GetName() new_name = ":".join((self.sample_name, name)) obj = file.Get(name) try: obj.SetName(new_name) obj.SetDirectory(0) # disconnects Object from file except AttributeError: pass if 'ROOT.vector' in str(type(obj)) and '_count' in name: obj = obj[0][name] = obj setattr(self, name, obj) file.Close() # Now add these histograms into the current ROOT directory (in memory) # and remove old versions if needed for obj in try: old_obj = ROOT.gDirectory.Get(obj.GetName()) ROOT.gDirectory.Remove(old_obj) ROOT.gDirectory.Add(obj) except AttributeError: pass @classmethod def calc_shape(cls, n_plots): if n_plots > 3: return ceil(n_plots / 3), 3 else: return 1, n_plots def draw(self, figure=None, shape=None): objs = [(name, obj) for name, obj in if isinstance(obj, ROOT.TH1)] shape = self.calc_shape(len(objs)) if figure is None: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt figure = plt.gcf() if plt.gcf() is not None else plt.figure() figure.clear() for i, (name, obj) in enumerate(objs): axes = figure.add_subplot(*shape, i+1) if isinstance(obj, ROOT.TH2): hist2d_plot(obj, title=obj.GetTitle(), axes=axes) else: hist_plot(obj, title=obj.GetTitle(), axes=axes) figure.tight_layout() @classmethod def get_hist_set(cls, attrname): return [(sample_name, getattr(h, attrname)) for sample_name, h in cls.collections.items()] @classmethod def add_collection(cls, hc): if not hasattr(cls, "collections"): cls.collections = {} cls.collections[hc.sample_name] = hc def __str__(self): return self.sample_name+"@"+self.input_filename def __repr__(self): return f""