@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import argparse
+import re
+import os
+import ROOT
+def merge_stl_obj(obj_key, output_file, input1, input_rest, merge_func=None):
+ """ Merges STL objects and saves the result into the output file, user
+ must supply the merging function.
+ """
+ obj = input1.Get(obj_key)
+ type_name_raw = str(type(obj))
+ try:
+ type_name = re.findall("<class 'ROOT.([^']+)'>", type_name_raw)[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ raise ValueError(f"Couldn't extract stl type name from {type_name_raw}")
+ if merge_func is not None:
+ for input_file in input_rest:
+ obj_ = input_file.Get(obj_key)
+ merge_func(obj, obj_)
+ output_file.WriteObjectAny(obj, type_name, obj_key)
+def merge_obj(obj_key, output_file, input1, input_rest):
+ obj = input1.Get(obj_key)
+ print('='*80)
+ print(f'Merging object {obj_key} of type {type(obj)}')
+ if isinstance(obj, ROOT.TH1):
+ obj.SetDirectory(output_file) # detach from input file
+ for input_file in input_rest:
+ obj_ = input_file.Get(obj_key)
+ obj.Add(obj_)
+ obj.Write()
+ else:
+ print(f"I don't know how to merge object of type{type(obj)}, but "
+ "you can add a case in merge_obj to handle it!")
+def merge_files(input_filenames, output_filename, preserve=False):
+ print(f"Merging files {', '.join(input_filenames)} into {output_filename}")
+ input1, *input_rest = [ROOT.TFile.Open(input_file, "READ") for input_file in input_filenames]
+ output_file = ROOT.TFile.Open(output_filename, "RECREATE")
+ output_file.cd()
+ obj_keys = [k.GetName() for k in input1.GetListOfKeys()]
+ for obj_key in obj_keys:
+ if obj_key in {"_value_lookup", "_function_impl_lookup"}:
+ merge_stl_obj(obj_key, output_file, input1, [])
+ else:
+ merge_obj(obj_key, output_file, input1, input_rest)
+ for file_ in [input1, *input_rest, output_file]:
+ file_.Close()
+ print(f"Merge finished! Results have been saved into {output_filename}")
+ if preserve:
+ print("Preseve specified, leaving input files intact")
+ else:
+ print("Removing input files...", end='', flush=True)
+ for filename in input_filenames:
+ os.remove(filename)
+ print("Done!")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ add = parser.add_argument
+ add('output_file')
+ add('input_files', nargs='+')
+ add('--preserve', '-p', action='store_true')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ merge_files(args.input_files, args.output_file, args.preserve)