structure.tex 3.6 KB

  1. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  2. % Compact Academic CV
  3. % Structural Definitions
  4. % Version 1.0 (6/7/2019)
  5. %
  6. % This template originates from:
  7. %
  8. %
  9. % Authors:
  10. % Dario Taraborelli (
  11. % Vel (
  12. %
  13. % License:
  14. % CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (
  15. %
  16. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  17. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20. \usepackage{graphicx} % Required for including images
  21. \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % Stop paragraph indentation
  22. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. % MARGINS
  24. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. \usepackage{geometry} % Required for adjusting page dimensions and margins
  26. \geometry{
  27. paper=a4paper, % Paper size, change to letterpaper for US letter size
  28. top=3.25cm, % Top margin
  29. bottom=4cm, % Bottom margin
  30. left=3.5cm, % Left margin
  31. right=3.5cm, % Right margin
  32. headheight=0.75cm, % Header height
  33. footskip=1cm, % Space from the bottom margin to the baseline of the footer
  34. headsep=0.75cm, % Space from the top margin to the baseline of the header
  35. %showframe, % Uncomment to show how the type block is set on the page
  36. }
  37. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  38. % FONTS
  39. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Required for inputting international characters
  41. \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Output font encoding for international characters
  42. \usepackage[semibold]{ebgaramond} % Use the EB Garamond font with a reduced bold weight
  43. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  45. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  46. \usepackage{sectsty} % Allows changing the font options for sections in a document
  47. \sectionfont{\fontsize{13.5pt}{18pt}\selectfont} % Set font options for sections
  48. \subsectionfont{\mdseries\scshape\normalsize} % Set font options for subsections
  49. \subsubsectionfont{\mdseries\upshape\bfseries\normalsize} % Set font options for subsubsections
  50. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  52. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  53. \usepackage{marginnote} % Required to output text in the margin
  54. \newcommand{\years}[1]{\marginnote{\scriptsize #1}} % New command for adding years to the margin
  55. \renewcommand*{\raggedleftmarginnote}{} % Left-align the years in the margin
  56. \setlength{\marginparsep}{-10pt} % Move the margin content closer to the text
  57. \reversemarginpar % Margin text to be output into the left margin instead of the default right margin
  58. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  59. % COLOURS
  60. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  61. \usepackage[usenames, dvipsnames]{xcolor} % Required for specifying colours by name
  62. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  63. % LINKS
  64. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  65. \usepackage[bookmarks, colorlinks, breaklinks]{hyperref} % Required for links
  66. % Set link colours
  67. \hypersetup{
  68. linkcolor=blue,
  69. citecolor=blue,
  70. filecolor=black,
  71. urlcolor=MidnightBlue
  72. }