cv.tex 11 KB

  1. %% start of file `template.tex'.
  2. %% Copyright 2006-2015 Xavier Danaux (
  3. %
  4. % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
  5. % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c,
  6. % available at
  7. % rubber: module pdftex
  8. \documentclass[11pt,a4paper,sans]{moderncv} % possible options include font size ('10pt', '11pt' and '12pt'), paper size ('a4paper', 'letterpaper', 'a5paper', 'legalpaper', 'executivepaper' and 'landscape') and font family ('sans' and 'roman')
  9. % moderncv themes
  10. \moderncvstyle{casual} % style options are 'casual' (default), 'classic', 'banking', 'oldstyle' and 'fancy'
  11. \moderncvcolor{blue} % color options 'black', 'blue' (default), 'burgundy', 'green', 'grey', 'orange', 'purple' and 'red'
  12. %\renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} % to set the default font; use '\sfdefault' for the default sans serif font, '\rmdefault' for the default roman one, or any tex font name
  13. %\nopagenumbers{} % uncomment to suppress automatic page numbering for CVs longer than one page
  14. % character encoding
  15. %\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % if you are not using xelatex ou lualatex, replace by the encoding you are using
  16. %\usepackage{CJKutf8} % if you need to use CJK to typeset your resume in Chinese, Japanese or Korean
  17. % adjust the page margins
  18. \usepackage[scale=0.75]{geometry}
  19. %\setlength{\hintscolumnwidth}{3cm} % if you want to change the width of the column with the dates
  20. %\setlength{\makecvtitlenamewidth}{10cm} % for the 'classic' style, if you want to force the width allocated to your name and avoid line breaks. be careful though, the length is normally calculated to avoid any overlap with your personal info; use this at your own typographical risks...
  21. % personal data
  22. \name{Caleb}{Fangmeier}
  23. % \title{Resumé title} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
  24. \address{126 N 16th St}{Lincoln, NE}{}% optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted; the "postcode city" and "country" arguments can be omitted or provided empty
  25. \phone[mobile]{+1~(402)~768~1358} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted; the optional "type" of the phone can be "mobile" (default), "fixed" or "fax"
  26. % \phone[fixed]{+2~(345)~678~901}
  27. % \phone[fax]{+3~(456)~789~012}
  28. \email{} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
  29. % \homepage{} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
  30. % \social[linkedin]{john.doe} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
  31. % \social[twitter]{jdoe} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
  32. \social[github]{cfangmeier} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
  33. % \extrainfo{additional information} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
  34. % \photo[64pt][0.4pt]{picture} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted; '64pt' is the height the picture must be resized to, 0.4pt is the thickness of the frame around it (put it to 0pt for no frame) and 'picture' is the name of the picture file
  35. % \quote{Some quote} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
  36. % bibliography adjustements (only useful if you make citations in your resume, or print a list of publications using BibTeX)
  37. % to show numerical labels in the bibliography (default is to show no labels)
  38. \makeatletter\renewcommand*{\bibliographyitemlabel}{\@biblabel{\arabic{enumiv}}}\makeatother
  39. % to redefine the bibliography heading string ("Publications")
  40. %\renewcommand{\refname}{Articles}
  41. % bibliography with mutiple entries
  42. %\usepackage{multibib}
  43. %\newcites{book,misc}{{Books},{Others}}
  44. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  45. % content
  46. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. \begin{document}
  48. %\begin{CJK*}{UTF8}{gbsn} % to typeset your resume in Chinese using CJK
  49. %----- resume ---------------------------------------------------------
  50. \makecvtitle
  51. \section{Education}
  52. \cventry{2008--2013}{BS}{Univ. of Nebraska - Lincoln}{}{Physics, \& Computer Science}{} % arguments 3 to 6 can be left empty
  53. \cventry{2013--2016}{MS}{Univ. of Nebraska - Lincoln}{}{Physics}{} % arguments 3 to 6 can be left empty
  54. \cventry{2013--2019}{PHD}{Univ. of Nebraska - Lincoln}{}{Physics}{} % arguments 3 to 6 can be left empty
  55. \section{Doctoral thesis}
  56. \cvitem{title}{\emph{Measurement of the production cross section of four top quarks in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV}}
  57. \cvitem{supervisor}{Frank Golf}
  58. \section{Experience}
  59. % \subsection{Vocational}
  60. %\cventry{2010--2013}{Student Worker}{UNL}{}{}{
  61. % \begin{itemize}
  62. % \item Used Arduinos to measure performance of temperature/humidity sensors
  63. % \item Designed and implemented \texttt{PixelGUI}, a specialized exploratory data analysis tool
  64. % \item Analyzed data collected by the CMS experiment to measure the pixel detector's effective resolution and charge colleciton efficiency
  65. % \end{itemize}
  66. %}
  67. \cventry{2013--2020}{Graduate Research Assistant}{UNL}{}{}{
  68. \begin{itemize}
  69. \item Participated in the construction of the CMS "FPIX" silicon pixel detector with particular contributions to assembly automation and test stand firmware
  70. \item Developed control software for gantries used in the production of CMS pixel detector modules; deployed, remotely as well as in person, same software on similar gantries at leading US research institutions
  71. \item Designed a particle telescope based on silicon strip detectors
  72. \begin{itemize}
  73. \item Designed readout system around a Cyclone IV FPGA and high frequency ADCs.
  74. \item Laid out PCBs for data acquisition system as well as separate boards for mounting sensors and readout chips.
  75. \item Implemented firmware in Verilog, including a simple RISC processor and memory mapped IO interfaces.
  76. \item Implemented assembler for instruction set used by aforementioned RISC processor.
  77. \end{itemize}
  78. \item Contributed to the reconstruction of electrons at CMS by optimizing the algorithm, implemented in C++, used to match tracks with electromagnetic calorimeter energy deposits
  79. \end{itemize}
  80. }
  81. \cventry{2020--Current}{Detector Lab Manager}{UNL}{}{}{
  82. \begin{itemize}
  83. \item Oversaw day to day lab activities, and provided support to students and post docs which included training on equipment operation, as well as training in the design of software and hardware
  84. \item Managed operation of cleanroom, including ensuring regular cleaning as well as upkeep of services and equipment.
  85. \item Continued to support the development of the gantry control software
  86. \begin{itemize}
  87. \item Implemented in LabVIEW an interpreter for a BASIC-like command language, gScript, to enable faster and easier development of assembly procedures.
  88. \item Added new visual pattern recognition for automated fiducial marking acquisition.
  89. \item Added database integration for automated tracking of components during production.
  90. \end{itemize}
  91. \item Built and maintained a web-based electronic logbook to track and report lab activities
  92. \item Managed small and large purchases of equipment and supplies
  93. \item Served as the coordinator of module design and assembly for the ETL detector at CMS which included
  94. \begin{itemize}
  95. \item Refining the module design for increased robustness and ease of assembly
  96. \item Designed fixtures for automated module assembly and worked with machine shop to produce them
  97. \item Designed and procured mock module components, including PCBs, to verify assembly at scale
  98. \end{itemize}
  99. \item Designed thermal mock-up of module with integrated temperature sensing; laid out and procured PCBs for same
  100. \end{itemize}
  101. }
  102. % \cventry{2020--Current}{Postdoctoral Researcher}{UNL}{}{}{\newline{}%
  103. % \begin{itemize}
  104. % \item Assisted in coordination of several projects being carried out by undergraduate and graduate students in the UNL Silicon Lab, including
  105. % \begin{itemize}
  106. % \item Identifying candidate encapsulation materials for CMS upgrades that are robust against high radiation doses and large temparature swings
  107. % \end{itemize}}
  108. % \item Sourced specialized equipment for for new and ongoing studies
  109. % \end{itemize}}
  110. % \subsection{Miscellaneous}
  111. % \cventry{year--year}{Job title}{Employer}{City}{}{Description}
  112. % \section{Languages}
  113. % \cvitemwithcomment{Language 1}{Skill level}{Comment}
  114. % \cvitemwithcomment{Language 2}{Skill level}{Comment}
  115. % \cvitemwithcomment{Language 3}{Skill level}{Comment}
  116. \section{Computer skills}
  117. \cvitem{Languages}{Python, C/C++, LabVIEW, Javascript, Verilog}
  118. \cvitem{Libraries}{ROOT, OpenCV, NumPy, Matplotlib, Flask, FastAPI, Vue.js}
  119. \cvitem{Software}{Linux, Git, KiCAD, Autodesk Inventor, Quartus II}
  120. % \cvdoubleitem{category 3}{XXX, YYY, ZZZ}{category 6}{XXX, YYY, ZZZ}
  121. % \section{Interests}
  122. % \cvitem{hobby 1}{Description}
  123. % \cvitem{hobby 2}{Description}
  124. % \cvitem{hobby 3}{Description}
  125. % \section{Extra 1}
  126. % \cvlistitem{Item 1}
  127. % \cvlistitem{Item 2}
  128. % \cvlistitem{Item 3. This item is particularly long and therefore normally spans over several lines. Did you notice the indentation when the line wraps?}
  129. % \section{Extra 2}
  130. % \cvlistdoubleitem{Item 1}{Item 4}
  131. % \cvlistdoubleitem{Item 2}{Item 5\cite{book1}}
  132. % \cvlistdoubleitem{Item 3}{Item 6. Like item 3 in the single column list before, this item is particularly long to wrap over several lines.}
  133. % \newpage
  134. % \section{References}
  135. % \begin{cvcolumns}
  136. % \cvcolumn{Category 1}{\begin{itemize}\item Person 1\item Person 2\item Person 3\end{itemize}}
  137. % \cvcolumn{Category 2}{Amongst others:\begin{itemize}\item Person 1, and\item Person 2\end{itemize}(more upon request)}
  138. % \cvcolumn[0.5]{All the rest \& some more}{\textit{That} person, and \textbf{those} also (all available upon request).}
  139. % \end{cvcolumns}
  140. % Publications from a BibTeX file without multibib
  141. % for numerical labels: \renewcommand{\bibliographyitemlabel}{\@biblabel{\arabic{enumiv}}}% CONSIDER MERGING WITH PREAMBLE PART
  142. % to redefine the heading string ("Publications"): \renewcommand{\refname}{Articles}
  143. % \nocite{*}
  144. % \bibliographystyle{plain}
  145. % \bibliography{publications} % 'publications' is the name of a BibTeX file
  146. % Publications from a BibTeX file using the multibib package
  147. %\section{Publications}
  148. %\nocitebook{book1,book2}
  149. %\bibliographystylebook{plain}
  150. %\bibliographybook{publications} % 'publications' is the name of a BibTeX file
  151. %\nocitemisc{misc1,misc2,misc3}
  152. %\bibliographystylemisc{plain}
  153. %\bibliographymisc{publications} % 'publications' is the name of a BibTeX file
  154. %\clearpage\end{CJK*} % if you are typesetting your resume in Chinese using CJK; the \clearpage is required for fancyhdr to work correctly with CJK, though it kills the page numbering by making \lastpage undefined
  155. \end{document}
  156. %% end of file `template.tex'.