#!/usr/bin/env python import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from filval.result_set import ResultSet from filval.histogram import hist, hist2d, hist_add, hist_sub, hist_div, hist_norm, hist_scale, hist2d_norm from filval.plotting import (decl_plot, render_plots, hist_plot, hist_plot_stack, hist2d_plot, Plot, generate_dashboard, hists_to_table) def set_xticks(): x_ticks = [f'SR{i}' for i in range(1, 17)] plt.xticks([x for x in range(1, 17)], x_ticks, rotation=60) def get_sr(rs, tau_category, tm=False): if tm: if tau_category == 0: return hist(rs.SRs_0tmtau) if tau_category == 1: return hist(rs.SRs_1tmtau) elif tau_category == 2: return hist(rs.SRs_2tmtau) else: if tau_category == -1: return hist(rs.ignore_tau_SRs) elif tau_category == 0: return hist(rs.SRs_0tau) elif tau_category == 1: return hist(rs.SRs_1tau) elif tau_category == 2: return hist(rs.SRs_2tau) @decl_plot def plot_yield_grid(tau_category=-1): r"""## Event Yield The event yield for the eight signal regions defined in AN-17-115. Data is normalized to the integrated luminosity of $35.9\textrm{fb}^{-1}$. Ignoring taus means both that there is no requirement on number of good taus *and* the taus, if present, are not considered for the SS pair. If taus are not ignored, any good tau with $p_T$>20Gev is considered in constructing the SS lepton pair. The yields are then further broken down by the number of good taus in the event. A "good" tau in the above means any tau candidate passing the `byTightIsolationMVArun2v1DBoldDMwLT` ID w/ pt>20GeV. It is also required to pass tau-lepton cross cleaning where it must not match any electron or muon within $\delta R < 0.4$. Truth-matched taus are those that match within $\delta R < 0.3$ with gen-level taus that pass the flag `fromHardProcessDecayed`. """ _, ((ax_tttt, ax_ttw), (ax_ttz, ax_tth)) = plt.subplots(2, 2) tttt, ttw, ttz, tth = [get_sr(rs, tau_category) for rs in rss] tm_tttt, tm_ttw, tm_ttz, tm_tth = [get_sr(rs, tau_category, True) for rs in rss] plt.sca(ax_tttt) plt.title('TTTT') hist_plot(tttt, stats=False, label='Mock Analysis', include_errors=True) if tau_category >= 0: hist_plot(tm_tttt, stats=False, label='Truth-Matched Taus', include_errors=True) plt.ylim((0, None)) set_xticks() plt.sca(ax_ttw) plt.title('TTW') hist_plot(ttw, stats=False, label='Mock Analysis', include_errors=True) if tau_category >= 0: hist_plot(tm_ttw, stats=False, label='Truth-Matched Taus', include_errors=True) plt.ylim((0, None)) set_xticks() plt.legend() plt.sca(ax_ttz) plt.title('TTZ') hist_plot(ttz, stats=False, label='Mock Analysis', include_errors=True) if tau_category >= 0: hist_plot(tm_ttz, stats=False, label='Truth-Matched Taus', include_errors=True) plt.ylim((0, None)) set_xticks() plt.xlabel('Signal Region') plt.sca(ax_tth) plt.title('TTH') hist_plot(tth, stats=False, label='Mock Analysis', include_errors=True) if tau_category >= 0: hist_plot(tm_tth, stats=False, label='Truth-Matched Taus', include_errors=True) plt.ylim((0, None)) set_xticks() plt.xlabel('Signal Region') def to_table(hists): return hists_to_table(hists, row_labels=['TTTT', 'TTW', 'TTZ', 'TTH'], column_labels=[f'SR{n}' for n in range(1, len(tttt[0])+1)]) tables = '


' tables += to_table([tttt, ttw, ttz, tth]) if tau_category >= 0: tables += '

TM Taus

' tables += to_table([tm_tttt, tm_ttw, tm_ttz, tm_tth]) return tables @decl_plot def plot_yield_v_gen(tau_category=-1): r"""## Event Yield Vs. # of Generated Taus """ def get_sr(rs): h = None if tau_category == 0: h = rs.SRs_0tmtau_diff_nGenTau if tau_category == 1: h = rs.SRs_1tmtau_diff_nGenTau elif tau_category == 2: h = rs.SRs_2tmtau_diff_nGenTau return hist2d_norm(hist2d(h), norm=1, axis=0) _, ((ax_tttt, ax_ttw), (ax_ttz, ax_tth)) = plt.subplots(2, 2) tttt, ttw, ttz, tth = [get_sr(rs) for rs in rss] def do_plot(h, title): hist2d_plot(h, title=title, txt_format='{:.2f}') plt.sca(ax_tttt) do_plot(tttt, 'TTTT') plt.ylabel("\# Gen Taus") plt.sca(ax_ttw) do_plot(ttw, 'TTW') plt.legend() plt.sca(ax_ttz) do_plot(ttz, 'TTZ') plt.xlabel('Signal Region') plt.ylabel("\# Gen Taus") plt.sca(ax_tth) do_plot(tth, 'TTH') plt.xlabel('Signal Region') @decl_plot def plot_nGen_v_nSel(): _, ((ax_tttt, ax_ttw), (ax_ttz, ax_tth)) = plt.subplots(2, 2) tttt, ttw, ttz, tth = [hist2d(rs.nGen_v_RecoTaus_in_SR) for rs in rss] def do_plot(h, title): hist2d_plot(h, title=title, txt_format='{:.2f}') plt.sca(ax_tttt) do_plot(tttt, 'TTTT') plt.ylabel("\# Selected Taus") plt.sca(ax_ttw) do_plot(ttw, 'TTW') plt.legend() plt.sca(ax_ttz) do_plot(ttz, 'TTZ') plt.xlabel('\# Gen Taus') plt.ylabel("\# Selected Taus") plt.sca(ax_tth) do_plot(tth, 'TTH') plt.xlabel('\# Gen Taus') @decl_plot def plot_yield_stack(): r"""## Event Yield - Stacked The event yield for the eight signal regions defined in AN-17-115. Data is normalized to the Moriond 2018 integrated luminosity ($35.9\textrm{fb}^{-1}$). Code for the histogram generation is here: """ tttt, ttw, ttz, tth = map(lambda rs: hist(rs.SRs), rss) hist_plot_stack([ttw, ttz, tth], labels=['TTW', 'TTZ', 'TTH']) tttt = tttt[0]*10, tttt[1], tttt[2] hist_plot(tttt, label='TTTT (x10)', stats=False, color='k') plt.ylim((0, 60)) plt.xlabel('Signal Region') plt.legend() @decl_plot def plot_lep_multi(dataset): _, (ax_els, ax_mus, ax_taus) = plt.subplots(3, 1) els = list(map(lambda rs: hist_norm(hist(rs.nEls)), rss)) mus = list(map(lambda rs: hist_norm(hist(rs.nMus)), rss)) taus = list(map(lambda rs: hist_norm(hist(rs.nTaus)), rss)) def _plot(ax, procs): plt.sca(ax) tttt, ttw, ttz, tth = procs h = {'TTTT': tttt, 'TTW': ttw, 'TTZ': ttz, 'TTH': tth}[dataset] hist_plot(h, stats=False, label=dataset) _plot(ax_els, els) plt.xlabel('\\# Good Electrons') plt.legend() _plot(ax_mus, mus) plt.xlabel('\\# Good Muons') _plot(ax_taus, taus) plt.xlabel('\\# Good Taus') @decl_plot def plot_sig_strength(tau_category, tm): r""" The signal strength of the TTTT signal defined as $\frac{S}{\sqrt{S+B+\sigma_B^2}}$ """ tttt, ttw, ttz, tth = map(lambda rs: get_sr(rs, tau_category, tm), rss) bg = hist_add(ttw, ttz, tth) strength = tttt[0] / np.sqrt(tttt[0] + bg[0] + bg[1]**2) hist_plot((strength, tttt[1], tttt[2]), stats=False) @decl_plot def plot_event_obs(dataset, in_sr=True): r"""The distribution of $N_{jet}$, $N_{Bjet}$, MET, and $H_T$ in either all events or only signal region (igoring taus) events. """ _, ((ax_njet, ax_nbjet), (ax_ht, ax_met)) = plt.subplots(2, 2) # tttt, ttw, ttz, tth = map(lambda rs: hist(rs.SRs), rss) tttt, ttw, ttz, tth = rss rs = {'TTTT': tttt, 'TTW': ttw, 'TTZ': ttz, 'TTH': tth}[dataset] def _plot(ax, obs): plt.sca(ax) if in_sr: h = {'MET': rs.met_in_SR, 'HT': rs.ht_in_SR, 'NJET': rs.njet_in_SR, 'NBJET': rs.nbjet_in_SR}[obs] else: h = {'MET': rs.met, 'HT': rs.ht, 'NJET': rs.njet, 'NBJET': rs.nbjet}[obs] hist_plot(hist(h), stats=False, label=dataset) plt.xlabel(obs) _plot(ax_njet, 'NJET') _plot(ax_nbjet, 'NBJET') _plot(ax_ht, 'HT') _plot(ax_met, 'MET') @decl_plot def plot_event_obs_stack(in_signal_region=True): r""" """ _, ((ax_njet, ax_nbjet), (ax_ht, ax_met)) = plt.subplots(2, 2) def _plot(ax, obs): plt.sca(ax) if in_signal_region: attr = {'MET': 'met_in_SR', 'HT': 'ht_in_SR', 'NJET': 'njet_in_SR', 'NBJET': 'nbjet_in_SR'}[obs] else: attr = {'MET': 'met', 'HT': 'ht', 'NJET': 'njet', 'NBJET': 'nbjet'}[obs] tttt, ttw, ttz, tth = map(lambda rs: hist(getattr(rs, attr)), rss) hist_plot_stack([ttw, ttz, tth], labels=["TTW", "TTZ", "TTH"]) hist_plot(hist_scale(tttt, 5), label="TTTT (x5)", color='k') plt.xlabel(obs) _plot(ax_njet, 'NJET') _plot(ax_nbjet, 'NBJET') plt.legend() _plot(ax_ht, 'HT') _plot(ax_met, 'MET') @decl_plot def plot_s_over_b(tau_category): tttt, ttw, ttz, tth = [get_sr(rs, tau_category) for rs in rss] sig = get_sr(rss[0], tau_category, tm=True) fake_tttt = hist_sub(tttt, sig) total_bg = hist_add(fake_tttt, ttw, ttz, tth) plt.subplot(3, 1, 1) hist_plot(total_bg, include_errors=True, label="TTV+TTH+Fake TTTT") hist_plot(sig, include_errors=True, label="Truth Matched TTTT") plt.ylabel('\\# Events') plt.ylim((0, 5.5)) set_xticks() plt.legend() plt.subplot(3, 1, 2) hist_plot(hist_div(sig, total_bg), label="ratio", color='k') plt.ylabel('Ratio') plt.ylim((0, 2.7)) set_xticks() plt.subplot(3, 1, 3) bg_vals, bg_errs, _ = total_bg sig_vals, _, _ = sig den = np.sqrt(sig_vals + bg_vals + bg_errs**2) sig = sig_vals / den, *sig[1:] hist_plot(sig, color='k') plt.ylabel(r'$S/\sqrt{S+B+\sigma_B^2}$') plt.ylim((0, 0.5)) set_xticks() # tables = '


' # tables += to_table([total_bg, ttw, ttz, tth]) # if tau_category >= 0: # tables += '

TM Taus

' # tables += to_table([tm_tttt, tm_ttw, tm_ttz, tm_tth]) # return tables @decl_plot def plot_tau_efficiency(): _, ((ax_tttt, ax_ttw), (ax_ttz, ax_tth)) = plt.subplots(2, 2) tttt, ttw, ttz, tth = list(map(lambda rs: hist(rs.tau_efficiency_v_pt), rss)) def _plot(ax, dataset): plt.sca(ax) h = {'TTTT': tttt, 'TTW': ttw, 'TTZ': ttz, 'TTH': tth}[dataset] hist_plot(h, stats=False, label=dataset, include_errors=True) plt.text(200, 0.05, dataset) plt.xlabel(r"$P_T$(GeV)") plt.ylim((0, 1.1)) _plot(ax_tttt, 'TTTT') _plot(ax_ttw, 'TTW') _plot(ax_ttz, 'TTZ') _plot(ax_tth, 'TTH') @decl_plot def plot_tau_purity(): _, ((ax_tttt, ax_ttw), (ax_ttz, ax_tth)) = plt.subplots(2, 2) tttt, ttw, ttz, tth = list(map(lambda rs: hist(rs.tau_purity_v_pt), rss)) def _plot(ax, dataset): plt.sca(ax) h = {'TTTT': tttt, 'TTW': ttw, 'TTZ': ttz, 'TTH': tth}[dataset] hist_plot(h, stats=False, label=dataset, include_errors=True) plt.text(200, 0.05, dataset) plt.xlabel(r"$P_T$(GeV)") plt.ylim((0, 1.1)) _plot(ax_tttt, 'TTTT') _plot(ax_ttw, 'TTW') _plot(ax_ttz, 'TTZ') _plot(ax_tth, 'TTH') if __name__ == '__main__': ext = "" # ext = "_dr03" data_path = f'data/TauStudies/output{ext}/' save_plots = False rss = (ResultSet("tttt", data_path+'yield_tttt.root'), ResultSet("ttw", data_path+'yield_ttw.root'), ResultSet("ttz", data_path+'yield_ttz.root'), ResultSet("tth", data_path+'yield_tth.root')) tttt_event_obs_in_sr = plot_event_obs, ('TTTT',), {'in_sr': True} ttw_event_obs_in_sr = plot_event_obs, ('TTW',), {'in_sr': True} ttz_event_obs_in_sr = plot_event_obs, ('TTZ',), {'in_sr': True} tth_event_obs_in_sr = plot_event_obs, ('TTH',), {'in_sr': True} tttt_event_obs = plot_event_obs, ('TTTT',), {'in_sr': False} ttw_event_obs = plot_event_obs, ('TTW',), {'in_sr': False} ttz_event_obs = plot_event_obs, ('TTZ',), {'in_sr': False} tth_event_obs = plot_event_obs, ('TTH',), {'in_sr': False} tttt_lep_multi = plot_lep_multi, ('TTTT',) ttw_lep_multi = plot_lep_multi, ('TTW',) ttz_lep_multi = plot_lep_multi, ('TTZ',) tth_lep_multi = plot_lep_multi, ('TTH',) yield_v_gen_0tm = plot_yield_v_gen, (0,) yield_v_gen_1tm = plot_yield_v_gen, (1,) yield_v_gen_2tm = plot_yield_v_gen, (2,) nGen_v_nSel = plot_nGen_v_nSel # Now assemble the plots into figures. plots = [ Plot((plot_yield_grid, (-1,)), 'Yield Ignoring Taus'), Plot((plot_yield_grid, (0,)), 'Yield For events with 0 Tau'), Plot((plot_s_over_b, (0,)), 'Real TTTT and Total BG - 0 Tau'), Plot((plot_yield_grid, (1,)), 'Yield For events with 1 Tau'), Plot((plot_s_over_b, (1,)), 'Real TTTT and Total BG - 1 Tau'), Plot((plot_yield_grid, (2,)), 'Yield For events with 2 or more Tau'), Plot((plot_s_over_b, (2,)), 'Real TTTT and Total BG - 2 or more Tau'), Plot(nGen_v_nSel, r'#Generated tau vs. #Selected tau'), Plot(tttt_lep_multi, 'Lepton Multiplicity - TTTT'), Plot(ttw_lep_multi, 'Lepton Multiplicity - TTW'), Plot(ttz_lep_multi, 'Lepton Multiplicity - TTZ'), Plot(tth_lep_multi, 'Lepton Multiplicity - TTH'), Plot(tttt_event_obs_in_sr, 'TTTT - Event Observables (In SR)'), Plot(ttw_event_obs_in_sr, 'TTW - Event Observables (In SR)'), Plot(ttz_event_obs_in_sr, 'TTZ - Event Observables (In SR)'), Plot(tth_event_obs_in_sr, 'TTH - Event Observables (In SR)'), Plot(plot_tau_efficiency, 'Tau Efficiency'), Plot(plot_tau_purity, 'Tau Purity'), ] # Finally, render and save the plots and generate the html+bootstrap # dashboard to view them render_plots(plots, to_disk=save_plots) if not save_plots: with open(data_path+'config.yaml') as f: config_txt = f.read() generate_dashboard(plots, 'Tau Studies', output=f'tau_studies{ext}.html', source=__file__, config=config_txt )