123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149 |
- import io
- import sys
- from math import ceil, sqrt
- from subprocess import run
- import itertools as it
- import ROOT
- class HistCollection:
- def __init__(self, sample_name, input_filename,
- exe_path="../build/main",
- rebuild_hists = False):
- self.sample_name = sample_name
- if rebuild_hists:
- run([exe_path, "-s", "-f", input_filename])
- output_filename = input_filename.replace(".root", "_result.root")
- self._file = ROOT.TFile.Open(output_filename)
- l = self._file.GetListOfKeys()
- self.map = {}
- for i in range(l.GetSize()):
- name = l.At(i).GetName()
- self.map[name] = self._file.Get(name)
- setattr(self, name, self.map[name])
- def draw(self, canvas, shape=None):
- if shape is None:
- n = int(ceil(sqrt(len(self.map))))
- shape = (n, n)
- print(shape)
- canvas.Clear()
- canvas.Divide(*shape)
- for i, hist in enumerate(self.map.values()):
- canvas.cd(i+1)
- try:
- hist.SetStats(False)
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- print(i, hist, str(type(hist)))
- draw_option = ""
- if (type(hist) == ROOT.TH2F):
- draw_option = "COLZ"
- hist.Draw(draw_option)
- class OutputCapture:
- def __init__(self):
- self.my_stdout = io.StringIO()
- self.my_stderr = io.StringIO()
- def get_stdout(self):
- self.my_stdout.seek(0)
- return self.my_stdout.read()
- def get_stderr(self):
- self.my_stderr.seek(0)
- return self.my_stderr.read()
- def __enter__(self):
- self.stdout = sys.stdout
- self.stderr = sys.stderr
- sys.stdout = self.my_stdout
- sys.stderr = self.my_stderr
- def __exit__(self, *args):
- sys.stdout = self.stdout
- sys.stderr = self.stderr
- self.stdout = None
- self.stderr = None
- def bin_range(n, end=None):
- if end is None:
- return range(1, n+1)
- else:
- return range(n+1, end+1)
- def normalize_columns(hist2d):
- normHist = ROOT.TH2D(hist2d)
- cols, rows = hist2d.GetNbinsX(), hist2d.GetNbinsY()
- for col in bin_range(cols):
- sum_ = 0
- for row in bin_range(rows):
- sum_ += hist2d.GetBinContent(col, row)
- if sum_ == 0:
- continue
- for row in bin_range(rows):
- norm = hist2d.GetBinContent(col, row) / sum_
- normHist.SetBinContent(col, row, norm)
- return normHist
- def stack_hist(hists,
- labels=None, id_=None,
- title="", enable_fill=False,
- normalize_to=0, draw=False,
- draw_option="",
- _stacks={}):
- """hists should be a list of TH1D objects
- returns a new stacked histogram
- """
- colors = it.cycle([ROOT.kRed, ROOT.kBlue, ROOT.kGreen])
- stack = ROOT.THStack(id_, title)
- if labels is None:
- labels = [hist.GetName() for hist in hists]
- if type(normalize_to) in (int, float):
- normalize_to = [normalize_to]*len(hists)
- if id_ is None:
- id_ = hists[0].GetName() + "_stack"
- ens = enumerate(zip(hists, labels, colors, normalize_to))
- for i, (hist, label, color, norm) in ens:
- hist_copy = hist
- hist_copy = hist.Clone(hist.GetName()+"_clone")
- hist_copy.SetTitle(label)
- if enable_fill:
- hist_copy.SetFillColorAlpha(color, 0.75)
- hist_copy.SetLineColorAlpha(color, 0.75)
- if norm:
- integral = hist_copy.Integral()
- hist_copy.Scale(norm/integral, "nosw2")
- hist_copy.SetStats(False)
- stack.Add(hist_copy)
- if draw:
- stack.Draw(draw_option)
- _stacks[id_] = stack # prevent stack from getting garbage collected
- # needed for multipad plots :/
- return stack
- def stack_hist_array(canvas, histcollections, fields, titles,
- shape=None, **kwargs):
- def get_hist_set(attrname):
- hists, labels = zip(*[(getattr(h, attrname), h.sample_name)
- for h in histcollections])
- return hists, labels
- n_fields = len(fields)
- if shape is None:
- if n_fields <= 4:
- shape = (1, n_fields)
- else:
- shape = (ceil(sqrt(n_fields)),)*2
- canvas.Clear()
- canvas.Divide(*shape)
- for i, field, title in zip(bin_range(n_fields), fields, titles):
- canvas.cd(i)
- hists, labels = get_hist_set(field)
- stack_hist(hists, labels, id_=field, title=title, draw=True, **kwargs)
- canvas.cd(1).BuildLegend(0.75, 0.75, 0.95, 0.95, "")