#ifndef minitree_cxx #define minitree_cxx #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MiniTree.h" #include "HistCollection.h" using namespace std; HistCollection* build_histograms(const char* sample_name, const char* filename){ HistCollection *hc = new HistCollection(sample_name); TFile *f = TFile::Open(filename); TTree *tree = (TTree*) f->Get("tree"); MiniTree minitree(tree); minitree.Loop(hc); delete tree; f->Close(); delete f; printf("Finished filling histograms for file %s with %d events.\n", filename, hc->get_event_count()); return hc; } /* HistCollection* load_histograms(const char* sample_name){ */ /* string filename = string(sample_name) + "_histcollection.root"; */ /* TFile *f = TFile::Open(filename.c_str()); */ /* HistCollection *hc = new HistCollection(sample_name); */ /* TFile *f = TFile::Open(filename); */ /* TTree *tree = (TTree*) f->Get("tree"); */ /* MiniTree minitree(tree); */ /* minitree.Loop(hc); */ /* delete tree; */ /* f->Close(); */ /* delete f; */ /* printf("Finished filling histograms for file %s with %d events.\n", */ /* filename, hc->get_event_count()); */ /* return hc; */ /* } */ void set_branch_statuses(MiniTree *minitree){ auto on = [minitree](const char* bname){ minitree->fChain->SetBranchStatus(bname, true); }; auto off = [minitree](const char* bname){ minitree->fChain->SetBranchStatus(bname, false); }; off("*"); on("nLepGood"); on("LepGood_pt"); on("LepGood_eta"); on("LepGood_phi"); on("LepGood_mcPt"); on("LepGood_charge"); on("nJet"); on("Jet_btagCMVA"); on("Jet_pt"); on("Jet_eta"); on("Jet_phi"); on("nGenTop"); on("ngenLep"); on("genLep_sourceId"); on("genLep_pt"); } double delta_r2(double eta1, double phi1, double eta2, double phi2){ return pow(eta1 - eta2, 2) + pow(phi1 - phi2, 2); } double isolation(int i, int n, function delta_r2_calculator){ double min_iso = -1; for (int j=0; j= 0) || min_iso == -1){ min_iso = curr_iso; } } if (min_iso == -1) return min_iso; else return sqrt(min_iso); } TLorentzVector g_vec1; TLorentzVector g_vec2; double diobject_mass(double pt1, double eta1, double phi1, double mass1, double pt2, double eta2, double phi2, double mass2){ g_vec1.SetPtEtaPhiM(pt1, eta1, phi1, mass1); g_vec2.SetPtEtaPhiM(pt2, eta2, phi2, mass2); g_vec1 += g_vec2; return g_vec1.M(); } void MiniTree::Loop(HistCollection* hc){ /* Define first a few little subroutines that will be used later in the * main loop. */ // Functions to calculate the \delta R^2 between two objects auto lepton_lepton_delta_r2 = [this](int i, int j){ return delta_r2(this->LepGood_eta[i], this->LepGood_phi[i], this->LepGood_eta[j], this->LepGood_phi[j]); }; auto lepton_jet_delta_r2 = [this](int i, int j){ return delta_r2(this->LepGood_eta[i], this->LepGood_phi[i], this->Jet_eta[j], this->Jet_phi[j]); }; auto jet_jet_delta_r2 = [this](int i, int j){ return delta_r2(this->Jet_eta[i], this->Jet_phi[i], this->Jet_eta[j], this->Jet_phi[j]); }; // Funtions to calculate isolation of objects auto lepton_lepton_isolation = [this, lepton_lepton_delta_r2](int i){ if (i >= this->nLepGood) return -1.0; return isolation(i, this->nLepGood, function(lepton_lepton_delta_r2)); }; auto lepton_jet_isolation = [this, lepton_jet_delta_r2](int i){ if (i >= this->nLepGood) return -1.0; return isolation(i, this->nJet, function(lepton_jet_delta_r2)); }; auto mini_isolation_cut = [this, lepton_jet_isolation](int i){ /* Implement the mini-isolation cut which utilizes a dynamic isolation cone size * based on lepton pt */ double r0 = 0.5; double pt0 = 7.5; // GeV double iso_cut = min(r0, pt0/this->LepGood_pt[i]); double isolation = lepton_jet_isolation(i); return isolation > iso_cut; }; auto jet_jet_isolation = [this, jet_jet_delta_r2](int i){ if (i >= this->nJet) return -1.0; return isolation(i, this->nJet, function(jet_jet_delta_r2)); }; auto dijet_mass = [this](int i, int j){ if (i >= this->nJet || j >= this->nJet) return -1.0; return diobject_mass(this->Jet_pt[i], this->Jet_eta[i], this->Jet_phi[i], this->Jet_mass[i], this->Jet_pt[j], this->Jet_eta[j], this->Jet_phi[j], this->Jet_mass[j]); }; auto dilepton_mass = [this](int i, int j){ if (i >= this->nLepGood || j >= this->nLepGood) return -1.0; return diobject_mass(this->LepGood_pt[i], this->LepGood_eta[i], this->LepGood_phi[i], this->LepGood_mass[i], this->LepGood_pt[j], this->LepGood_eta[j], this->LepGood_phi[j], this->LepGood_mass[j]); }; auto dijet_mass_set = [this, dijet_mass](){ auto *mass_set = new vector(); for(int i=0; i<(this->nJet-1); i++){ for(int j=i+1; jnJet; j++){ mass_set->push_back(dijet_mass(i, j)); } } return mass_set; }; auto nBJets = [this](float mva_cut = 0){ int n = 0; for(int i=0; inJet; ++i) if(this->Jet_btagCMVA[i] > mva_cut) ++n; return n; }; auto lepton_mass_window_pass = [this, dilepton_mass](double low, double high){ for (int i=0; inLepGood, ++i){ for (int j=0; jnLepGood, ++j){ double mass = dilepton_mass(i, j); if (low < mass && mass < high){ return false; } } } return true; } auto ss_dilepton_base_selection[this, nBJets, lepton_mass_window_pass](){ if (this->nLepGood != 2) return false; if (this->LepGood_charge[0] != this->LepGood_charge[1]) return false; if (this->nJet < 4) return false; if (nBJets() < 3) return false; if (!lepton_mass_window_pass(70, 105)) return false; return true; } auto trilepton_base_selection[this](){ if (nLepGood != 3) return false; if (nJet < 4) return false; if (nBJets() < 3) return false; if (!lepton_mass_window_pass(70, 105)) return false; return true; } if (fChain == 0) return; /* Set branch statuses so only used branches are loaded. This * can greatly reduce execution time. */ set_branch_statuses(this); Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast(); Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0; for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentryGetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb; /* Main analysis code begins here * */ ++(*hc); // Increments event count hc->lepton_count->Fill(nLepGood); hc->top_quark_count->Fill(nGenTop); for(int i=0; idelta_pt->Fill(delta_pt_val); hc->lepton_count_vs_delta_pt->Fill(nLepGood, delta_pt_val); } hc->jet_count->Fill(nJet); int b_jet_count = 0; for(int i=0; ib_jet_discriminator->Fill(Jet_btagCMVA[i]); b_jet_count += (Jet_btagCMVA[i] > 0); } hc->b_jet_count->Fill(b_jet_count); for(int i=0; ib_jet_pt_all->Fill(Jet_pt[i]); if (b_jet_count >= 3){ hc->b_jet_pt_3_or_more->Fill(Jet_pt[i]); } } int lepton_count_pass_miniiso= 0; for(int i=0; ilepton_count_pass_miniiso->Fill(lepton_count_pass_miniiso); if (lepton_count_pass_miniiso == nLepGood){ hc->lepton_count_pass_miniiso_event->Fill(nLepGood); } if (nLepGood == 3){ hc->jet_count_trilepton->Fill(nJet); } if (nLepGood == 2 && (LepGood_charge[0] * LepGood_charge[1]) == 1){ hc->jet_count_ss_dilepton->Fill(nJet); } if (nLepGood == 2 && (LepGood_charge[0] * LepGood_charge[1]) == -1){ hc->jet_count_os_dilepton->Fill(nJet); } if (nLepGood == 3){ vector isos = {lepton_jet_isolation(0), lepton_jet_isolation(1), lepton_jet_isolation(2)}; sort(isos.begin(), isos.end()); //Sorts ascending by default hc->trilepton_iso_1->Fill(isos[2]); hc->trilepton_iso_2->Fill(isos[1]); hc->trilepton_iso_3->Fill(isos[0]); vector jet_isos = {jet_jet_isolation(0), jet_jet_isolation(1), jet_jet_isolation(2)}; sort(jet_isos.begin(), jet_isos.end()); hc->trilepton_jet_iso_1->Fill(jet_isos[2]); hc->trilepton_jet_iso_2->Fill(jet_isos[1]); hc->trilepton_jet_iso_3->Fill(jet_isos[0]); } vector *mass_set = dijet_mass_set(); for( double &mass : *mass_set ){ hc->dijet_mass->Fill(mass); } } hc->lepton_count_pass_miniiso_ratio->Divide(hc->lepton_count_pass_miniiso_event, hc->lepton_count); } #endif // tree_cxx