TTTT Production Cross-Section Measurement
This project contains the code, documentation, and results of the TTTT
production cross-section measurment in the tri-lepton channel.
To run this analysis, first aquire relevant MC files for signal(TTTT), and main
backgrounds(TTW, TTZ, TT). These should be in the "Minitree" format. Then
checkout the [code]( from Github. After
acquiring the code, follow the standard cmake build process of
cd project_directory
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Once the code has been built, there should be a `main` executable in the build directory. Call it with the syntax
./main -f path_to_minitree_file
This will create a results `ROOT` file containing a set of histograms extracted
from the Minitree. Create one of these for each input Minitree. The results are
then usually processed in Jupyter Notebooks to produce final
plots/measurements. For example, a basic listing of generated histograms can be
found [here](./TTTT_Analysis.html)
A brief rundown of the general analysis framework, FilVal, can be found [here](./md__home_caleb_Sources_TTTT_AboutFilVal.html).
- **Four Tops for LHC** ([arXiv](
A theory paper outlining a general strategy for measuring tttt cross-section using the SS-dilepton and trilepton channels
- **Efficient Identification of Boosted Semileptonic Top Quarks at the LHC** ([arXiv](
Detailed description of the "mini-iso" requirement.
- **Top-tagging: A Method for Identifying Boosted Hadronic Tops** ([arXiv](
Description of how to identify hadronically decaying Tops. ie. t->b + W(->q + \bar{q})