/** * @file * @author Caleb Fangmeier * @version 0.1 * * @section LICENSE * * * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2017 Caleb Fangmeier * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * * @section DESCRIPTION * Define a set of common event selections */ #ifndef SELECTION_HPP #define SELECTION_HPP #include #include #include "filval/filval.hpp" #include "filval_root/filval_root.hpp" #include "analysis/common/obj_types.hpp" struct EventSelection{ ObsFilter* trilepton; ObsFilter* trilepton_eemu; // OS electron pair + muon+- ObsFilter* trilepton_mumue; // OS muon pair + electron+- ObsFilter* b_jet3; ObsFilter* z_mass_veto; ObsFilter* base_sel; ObsFilter* J4; ObsFilter* J5; ObsFilter* J6; ObsFilter* SR4j; ObsFilter* SR5j; ObsFilter* SR6j; }; EventSelection event_selection; void init_selection(){ auto leptons = lookup>("leptons"); auto jets = lookup>("jets"); // Require *exactly* three charged leptons event_selection.trilepton = obs_filter("trilepton",GenFunction::register_function("trilepton", FUNC(([leptons](){ return leptons->get_value().size() == 3; })))); // Require OS electron pair and a muon event_selection.trilepton_eemu = obs_filter("trilepton_eemu",GenFunction::register_function("trilepton_eemu", FUNC(([leptons](){ std::vector& leps = leptons->get_value(); if(leps.size() != 3) return false; auto check_id = [](int ref_id){ auto fn = [ref_id](const Particle& p){ return p.lepton.pdg_id == ref_id; }; return fn; }; bool has_ep = std::count_if(std::begin(leps), std::end(leps), check_id(-11)) == 1; bool has_en = std::count_if(std::begin(leps), std::end(leps), check_id( 11)) == 1; bool has_mup = std::count_if(std::begin(leps), std::end(leps), check_id(-13)) == 1; bool has_mun = std::count_if(std::begin(leps), std::end(leps), check_id( 13)) == 1; return has_ep && has_en && (has_mup != has_mun); })))); // Require OS muon pair and an electron event_selection.trilepton_mumue = obs_filter("trilepton_mumue",GenFunction::register_function("trilepton_mumue", FUNC(([leptons](){ std::vector& leps = leptons->get_value(); if(leps.size() != 3) return false; auto check_id = [](int ref_id){ auto fn = [ref_id](const Particle& p){ return p.lepton.pdg_id == ref_id; }; return fn; }; bool has_ep = std::count_if(std::begin(leps), std::end(leps), check_id(-11)) == 1; bool has_en = std::count_if(std::begin(leps), std::end(leps), check_id( 11)) == 1; bool has_mup = std::count_if(std::begin(leps), std::end(leps), check_id(-13)) == 1; bool has_mun = std::count_if(std::begin(leps), std::end(leps), check_id( 13)) == 1; return (has_ep != has_en) && has_mup && has_mun; })))); // Require at least three b-jets event_selection.b_jet3 = obs_filter("b_jet3",GenFunction::register_function("b_jet3", FUNC(([jets](){ int n_b_jets = 0; for(auto jet : jets->get_value()){ if(jet.tag == Particle::JET && jet.jet.b_cmva > 0) n_b_jets++; } return n_b_jets >= 3; })))); // Require all same-flavour OS dilepton combinations are outside the Z mass // window (70,105) event_selection.z_mass_veto = obs_filter("z_mass_veto",GenFunction::register_function("z_mass_veto", FUNC(([leptons](){ auto& leps = leptons->get_value(); int n = leps.size(); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ for(int j = i+1; j < n; j++){ const Particle& p1 = leps[i]; const Particle& p2 = leps[j]; if(abs(p1.lepton.pdg_id) != abs(p2.lepton.pdg_id)) continue; if(p1.lepton.charge == p2.lepton.charge) continue; double m = (p1.v + p2.v).M(); if(70 < m && m < 105) return false; } } return true; })))); event_selection.J4 = obs_filter("4jet_selection",GenFunction::register_function("4jet_selection", FUNC(([jets](){ return jets->get_value().size() >= 4; })))); event_selection.J5 = obs_filter("5jet_selection",GenFunction::register_function("5jet_selection", FUNC(([jets](){ return jets->get_value().size() >= 5; })))); event_selection.J6 = obs_filter("6jet_selection",GenFunction::register_function("6jet_selection", FUNC(([jets](){ return jets->get_value().size() >= 6; })))); /* event_selection.base_sel = ObsFilter::conj(event_selection.z_mass_veto, ObsFilter::conj(event_selection.trilepton, event_selection.b_jet3)); */ event_selection.base_sel = all({event_selection.z_mass_veto, event_selection.trilepton_eemu, event_selection.b_jet3}); event_selection.SR4j = all(event_selection.base_sel, event_selection.J4); event_selection.SR5j = all(event_selection.base_sel, event_selection.J5); event_selection.SR6j = all(event_selection.base_sel, event_selection.J6); } #endif // SELECTION_HPP