TTTT Analysis  0.1
1 TTTT Production Cross-Section Measurement
2 =========================================
4 This project contains the code, documentation, and results of the TTTT
5 production cross-section measurment in the tri-lepton channel.
7 To run this analysis, first aquire relevant MC files for signal(TTTT), and main
8 backgrounds(TTW, TTZ, TT). These should be in the "Minitree" format. Then
9 checkout the [code]( from Github. After
10 acquiring the code, follow the standard cmake build process of
12 ```bash
13 cd project_directory
14 mkdir build
15 cd build
16 cmake ..
17 make
18 ```
20 Once the code has been built, there should be a `main` executable in the build directory. Call it with the syntax
22 ```bash
23 ./main -f path_to_minitree_file
24 ```
27 This will create a results `ROOT` file containing a set of histograms extracted
28 from the Minitree. Create one of these for each input Minitree. The results are
29 then usually processed in Jupyter Notebooks to produce final
30 plots/measurements. For example, a basic listing of generated histograms can be
31 found [here](./TTTT_Analysis.html)
33 A brief rundown of the general analysis framework, FilVal, can be found [here](./md__home_caleb_Sources_TTTT_AboutFilVal.html).
35 References
36 ==========
37  - **Four Tops for LHC** ([arXiv]( <br/>
38  A theory paper outlining a general strategy for measuring tttt cross-section using the SS-dilepton and trilepton channels
39  - **Efficient Identification of Boosted Semileptonic Top Quarks at the LHC** ([arXiv]( <br/>
40  Detailed description of the "mini-iso" requirement.
41  - **Top-tagging: A Method for Identifying Boosted Hadronic Tops** ([arXiv]( <br/>
42  Description of how to identify hadronically decaying Tops. ie. t->b + W(->q + \bar{q})