#ifndef minitreedataset_h #define minitreedataset_h #include #include #include "filval/filval.hpp" #include "filval_root/filval_root.hpp" #include "MiniTree.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace fv; using namespace fv::root; class MiniTreeDataSet : public DataSet, public MiniTree{ private: long next_entry; long nentries; bool load_next(){ if (next_entry >= nentries) return false; fChain->GetEntry(next_entry); ++next_entry; return true; } int get_events(){ return nentries; } int get_current_event(){ return next_entry-1; } public: MiniTreeDataSet(TTree *tree) :MiniTree(tree){ next_entry = 0; nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast(); } template Value* track_branch(const std::string& bname){ TBranch* branch = fChain->GetBranch(bname.c_str()); if (branch == nullptr){ CRITICAL("Branch: " << bname << " does not exist in input tree.", -1); } T* bref = (T*) branch->GetAddress(); fChain->SetBranchStatus(bname.c_str(), true); INFO("Registering branch \"" << bname << "\" with address " << bref << " and type " << typeid(bref).name()); return new ObservedValue(bname, bref); } template Value* track_branch_ptr(const std::string& bname){ TBranch* branch = fChain->GetBranch(bname.c_str()); if (branch == nullptr){ CRITICAL("Branch: " << bname << " does not exist in input tree.", -1); } T* bref = (T*) branch->GetAddress(); fChain->SetBranchStatus(bname.c_str(), true); INFO("Registering pointer branch \"" << bname << "\" with address " << bref << " and type " << typeid(bref).name()); return new PointerValue(bname, bref); } void save_all(){ for(auto container : containers){ container.second->save_as("outfile", SaveOption::ROOT); } } }; #endif // minitreedataset_h