Przeglądaj źródła

Adds introductory presentation

Caleb Fangmeier 8 lat temu

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+$pdflatex = 'xelatex %O %S'



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+% Insipired by Cameron Bracken's theme originally posted
+% here:
+% January 2009
+% Modifications done by Martin Bjeldbak Madsen
+% June 2014
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+      <int>15</int>
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+ </object>


+ 512 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
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+      <float>2.0</float>
+     </void>
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+      <int>15</int>
+     </void>
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+      <float>0.5</float>
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+         <int>464</int>
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+      <object idref="Color1"/>
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+      <int>6</int>
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+         <int>519</int>
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+         <object idref="Point7"/>
+         <int>414</int>
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+      </void>
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+      <object idref="PointArray4"/>
+     </void>
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+      <string>W^+</string>
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+      <int>2</int>
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+       <int>0</int>
+       <int>0</int>
+       <int>0</int>
+       <int>255</int>
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+     <void property="latexTextSize">
+      <int>6</int>
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+         <object idref="Point8"/>
+         <int>455</int>
+        </void>
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+         <object idref="Point8"/>
+         <int>460</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+      </void>
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+     </void>
+     <void property="textString">
+      <string>t</string>
+     </void>
+    </object>
+   </void>
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+      <float>2.0</float>
+     </void>
+     <void property="amp">
+      <int>15</int>
+     </void>
+     <void property="arrowPosition">
+      <float>0.5</float>
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+      <object idref="Color3"/>
+     </void>
+     <void property="paintArrow">
+      <boolean>true</boolean>
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+         <int>336</int>
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+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point10"/>
+         <int>384</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+      </void>
+     </void>
+     <void property="points">
+      <object idref="PointArray6"/>
+     </void>
+     <void property="strokeWidth">
+      <float>1.0</float>
+     </void>
+    </object>
+   </void>
+   <void method="add">
+    <object class="net.sf.jaxodraw.object.line.JaxoGLine" id="JaxoGLine0">
+     <void property="DLSeparation">
+      <float>2.0</float>
+     </void>
+     <void property="amp">
+      <int>15</int>
+     </void>
+     <void property="arrowPosition">
+      <float>0.5</float>
+     </void>
+     <void id="JaxoDefaultArrow2" property="arrow">
+      <void id="Color4" property="color"/>
+     </void>
+     <void property="color">
+      <object idref="Color4"/>
+     </void>
+     <void property="dash">
+      <float>2.0</float>
+     </void>
+     <void property="paintArrow">
+      <boolean>true</boolean>
+     </void>
+     <void id="PointArray7" property="points">
+      <void id="Point11" index="0">
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>x</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point11"/>
+         <int>592</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>y</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point11"/>
+         <int>384</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+      </void>
+      <void id="Point12" index="1">
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>x</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point12"/>
+         <int>672</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>y</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point12"/>
+         <int>432</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+      </void>
+     </void>
+     <void property="points">
+      <object idref="PointArray7"/>
+     </void>
+     <void property="strokeWidth">
+      <float>1.0</float>
+     </void>
+    </object>
+   </void>
+   <void method="add">
+    <object class="net.sf.jaxodraw.object.text.JaxoLatexText" id="JaxoLatexText3">
+     <void property="allign">
+      <int>2</int>
+     </void>
+     <void property="color">
+      <object idref="Color2"/>
+     </void>
+     <void property="latexTextSize">
+      <int>6</int>
+     </void>
+     <void id="PointArray8" property="points">
+      <void id="Point13" index="0">
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>x</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point13"/>
+         <int>612</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>y</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point13"/>
+         <int>357</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+      </void>
+     </void>
+     <void property="points">
+      <object idref="PointArray8"/>
+     </void>
+     <void property="textString">
+      <string>l^+</string>
+     </void>
+    </object>
+   </void>
+   <void method="add">
+    <object class="net.sf.jaxodraw.object.text.JaxoLatexText" id="JaxoLatexText4">
+     <void property="allign">
+      <int>2</int>
+     </void>
+     <void property="color">
+      <object idref="Color2"/>
+     </void>
+     <void property="latexTextSize">
+      <int>6</int>
+     </void>
+     <void id="PointArray9" property="points">
+      <void id="Point14" index="0">
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>x</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point14"/>
+         <int>636</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>y</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point14"/>
+         <int>406</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+      </void>
+     </void>
+     <void property="points">
+      <object idref="PointArray9"/>
+     </void>
+     <void property="textString">
+      <string>\nu_l</string>
+     </void>
+    </object>
+   </void>
+  </void>
+ </object>


+ 509 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<java version="1.8.0_121" class="java.beans.XMLDecoder">
+ <object class="net.sf.jaxodraw.graph.JaxoSaveGraph" id="JaxoSaveGraph0">
+  <void property="jaxoDrawVersion">
+   <string>2.1-0</string>
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+  <void property="objectList">
+   <void method="add">
+    <object class="net.sf.jaxodraw.object.line.JaxoFLine" id="JaxoFLine0">
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+      <float>2.0</float>
+     </void>
+     <void property="amp">
+      <int>15</int>
+     </void>
+     <void property="arrowPosition">
+      <float>0.5</float>
+     </void>
+     <void id="JaxoDefaultArrow0" property="arrow">
+      <void id="Color0" property="color"/>
+     </void>
+     <void property="color">
+      <object idref="Color0"/>
+     </void>
+     <void property="paintArrow">
+      <boolean>true</boolean>
+     </void>
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+         <object idref="Point0"/>
+         <int>400</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
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+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point0"/>
+         <int>464</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+      </void>
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+        <string>x</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point1"/>
+         <int>512</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
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+        <string>y</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point1"/>
+         <int>464</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+      </void>
+     </void>
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+      <object idref="PointArray0"/>
+     </void>
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+      <float>1.0</float>
+     </void>
+    </object>
+   </void>
+   <void method="add">
+    <object class="net.sf.jaxodraw.object.line.JaxoFLine" id="JaxoFLine1">
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+      <float>2.0</float>
+     </void>
+     <void property="amp">
+      <int>15</int>
+     </void>
+     <void property="arrowPosition">
+      <float>0.5</float>
+     </void>
+     <void property="color">
+      <object idref="Color0"/>
+     </void>
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+      <boolean>true</boolean>
+     </void>
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+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
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+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point2"/>
+         <int>512</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
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+        <string>y</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point2"/>
+         <int>464</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+      </void>
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+        <string>x</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point3"/>
+         <int>592</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
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+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point3"/>
+         <int>544</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+      </void>
+     </void>
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+      <object idref="PointArray1"/>
+     </void>
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+      <float>1.0</float>
+     </void>
+    </object>
+   </void>
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+     <void property="DLSeparation">
+      <float>2.0</float>
+     </void>
+     <void property="amp">
+      <int>15</int>
+     </void>
+     <void property="arrowPosition">
+      <float>0.5</float>
+     </void>
+     <void property="color">
+      <object idref="Color0"/>
+     </void>
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+        <string>x</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point4"/>
+         <int>512</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
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+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point4"/>
+         <int>464</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+      </void>
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+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>x</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point5"/>
+         <int>592</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>y</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point5"/>
+         <int>384</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+      </void>
+     </void>
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+      <object idref="PointArray2"/>
+     </void>
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+      <float>1.0</float>
+     </void>
+     <void property="wiggles">
+      <int>6</int>
+     </void>
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+      <int>2</int>
+     </void>
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+       <int>0</int>
+       <int>0</int>
+       <int>0</int>
+       <int>255</int>
+      </object>
+     </void>
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+      <int>6</int>
+     </void>
+     <void id="PointArray3" property="points">
+      <void id="Point6" index="0">
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>x</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point6"/>
+         <int>556</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>y</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point6"/>
+         <int>503</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+      </void>
+     </void>
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+      <object idref="PointArray3"/>
+     </void>
+     <void property="textString">
+      <string>b</string>
+     </void>
+    </object>
+   </void>
+   <void method="add">
+    <object class="net.sf.jaxodraw.object.text.JaxoLatexText" id="JaxoLatexText1">
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+      <int>2</int>
+     </void>
+     <void property="color">
+      <object idref="Color1"/>
+     </void>
+     <void property="latexTextSize">
+      <int>6</int>
+     </void>
+     <void id="PointArray4" property="points">
+      <void id="Point7" index="0">
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>x</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point7"/>
+         <int>519</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>y</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point7"/>
+         <int>414</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+      </void>
+     </void>
+     <void property="points">
+      <object idref="PointArray4"/>
+     </void>
+     <void property="textString">
+      <string>W^+</string>
+     </void>
+    </object>
+   </void>
+   <void method="add">
+    <object class="net.sf.jaxodraw.object.text.JaxoLatexText" id="JaxoLatexText2">
+     <void property="allign">
+      <int>2</int>
+     </void>
+     <void property="color">
+      <object class="java.awt.Color" id="Color2">
+       <int>0</int>
+       <int>0</int>
+       <int>0</int>
+       <int>255</int>
+      </object>
+     </void>
+     <void property="latexTextSize">
+      <int>6</int>
+     </void>
+     <void id="PointArray5" property="points">
+      <void id="Point8" index="0">
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>x</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point8"/>
+         <int>455</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>y</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point8"/>
+         <int>460</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+      </void>
+     </void>
+     <void property="points">
+      <object idref="PointArray5"/>
+     </void>
+     <void property="textString">
+      <string>t</string>
+     </void>
+    </object>
+   </void>
+   <void method="add">
+    <object class="net.sf.jaxodraw.object.line.JaxoFLine" id="JaxoFLine2">
+     <void property="DLSeparation">
+      <float>2.0</float>
+     </void>
+     <void property="amp">
+      <int>15</int>
+     </void>
+     <void property="arrowPosition">
+      <float>0.5</float>
+     </void>
+     <void id="JaxoDefaultArrow1" property="arrow">
+      <void id="Color3" property="color"/>
+     </void>
+     <void property="color">
+      <object idref="Color3"/>
+     </void>
+     <void property="paintArrow">
+      <boolean>true</boolean>
+     </void>
+     <void id="PointArray6" property="points">
+      <void id="Point9" index="0">
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>x</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point9"/>
+         <int>672</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>y</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point9"/>
+         <int>336</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+      </void>
+      <void id="Point10" index="1">
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>x</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point10"/>
+         <int>592</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>y</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point10"/>
+         <int>384</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+      </void>
+     </void>
+     <void property="points">
+      <object idref="PointArray6"/>
+     </void>
+     <void property="strokeWidth">
+      <float>1.0</float>
+     </void>
+    </object>
+   </void>
+   <void method="add">
+    <object class="net.sf.jaxodraw.object.text.JaxoLatexText" id="JaxoLatexText3">
+     <void property="allign">
+      <int>2</int>
+     </void>
+     <void property="color">
+      <object idref="Color2"/>
+     </void>
+     <void property="latexTextSize">
+      <int>6</int>
+     </void>
+     <void id="PointArray7" property="points">
+      <void id="Point11" index="0">
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>x</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point11"/>
+         <int>612</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>y</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point11"/>
+         <int>357</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+      </void>
+     </void>
+     <void property="points">
+      <object idref="PointArray7"/>
+     </void>
+     <void property="textString">
+      <string>\bar{q}</string>
+     </void>
+    </object>
+   </void>
+   <void method="add">
+    <object class="net.sf.jaxodraw.object.text.JaxoLatexText" id="JaxoLatexText4">
+     <void property="allign">
+      <int>2</int>
+     </void>
+     <void property="color">
+      <object idref="Color2"/>
+     </void>
+     <void property="latexTextSize">
+      <int>6</int>
+     </void>
+     <void id="PointArray8" property="points">
+      <void id="Point12" index="0">
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>x</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point12"/>
+         <int>636</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>y</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point12"/>
+         <int>406</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+      </void>
+     </void>
+     <void property="points">
+      <object idref="PointArray8"/>
+     </void>
+     <void property="textString">
+      <string>q</string>
+     </void>
+    </object>
+   </void>
+   <void method="add">
+    <object class="net.sf.jaxodraw.object.line.JaxoFLine" id="JaxoFLine3">
+     <void property="DLSeparation">
+      <float>2.0</float>
+     </void>
+     <void property="amp">
+      <int>15</int>
+     </void>
+     <void property="arrowPosition">
+      <float>0.5</float>
+     </void>
+     <void id="JaxoDefaultArrow2" property="arrow">
+      <void id="Color4" property="color"/>
+     </void>
+     <void property="color">
+      <object idref="Color4"/>
+     </void>
+     <void property="paintArrow">
+      <boolean>true</boolean>
+     </void>
+     <void id="PointArray9" property="points">
+      <void id="Point13" index="0">
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>x</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point13"/>
+         <int>592</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>y</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point13"/>
+         <int>384</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+      </void>
+      <void id="Point14" index="1">
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>x</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point14"/>
+         <int>672</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>y</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point14"/>
+         <int>432</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+      </void>
+     </void>
+     <void property="points">
+      <object idref="PointArray9"/>
+     </void>
+     <void property="strokeWidth">
+      <float>1.0</float>
+     </void>
+    </object>
+   </void>
+  </void>
+ </object>


+ 269 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<java version="1.8.0_121" class="java.beans.XMLDecoder">
+ <object class="net.sf.jaxodraw.graph.JaxoSaveGraph" id="JaxoSaveGraph0">
+  <void property="jaxoDrawVersion">
+   <string>2.1-0</string>
+  </void>
+  <void property="objectList">
+   <void method="add">
+    <object class="net.sf.jaxodraw.object.line.JaxoFLine" id="JaxoFLine0">
+     <void property="DLSeparation">
+      <float>2.0</float>
+     </void>
+     <void property="amp">
+      <int>15</int>
+     </void>
+     <void property="arrowPosition">
+      <float>0.5</float>
+     </void>
+     <void id="JaxoDefaultArrow0" property="arrow">
+      <void id="Color0" property="color"/>
+     </void>
+     <void property="color">
+      <object idref="Color0"/>
+     </void>
+     <void property="paintArrow">
+      <boolean>true</boolean>
+     </void>
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+      <void id="Point0" index="0">
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>x</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point0"/>
+         <int>400</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
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+        <string>y</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point0"/>
+         <int>464</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+      </void>
+      <void id="Point1" index="1">
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>x</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point1"/>
+         <int>512</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+       <void class="java.awt.Point" method="getField">
+        <string>y</string>
+        <void method="set">
+         <object idref="Point1"/>
+         <int>464</int>
+        </void>
+       </void>
+      </void>
+     </void>
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+      <object idref="PointArray0"/>
+     </void>
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+      <float>1.0</float>
+     </void>
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+      <string>b</string>
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+     </void>
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+      <string>W^+</string>
+     </void>
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+   </void>
+  </void>
+ </object>

Plik diff jest za duży
+ 2540 - 0

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# convert -density 800x800 T-\>b,W.eps -transparent white -quality 00  T-\>b,W.png
+for f in $(ls *.eps)
+    convert -density 800x800 $f -transparent white -quality 00  ${f/eps/png}






+ 159 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+% \usepackage{fontspec}
+% \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{DejaVu Serif}
+% \setsansfont[Mapping=tex-text]{DejaVu Sans}
+% \setmonofont{DejaVu Sans Mono}
+\title[4t X-Section]{Four Tops Cross Section Measurement}
+\subtitle{Trilepton Channel}
+\author[C. Fangmeier]{Caleb Fangmeier}
+\institute[UNL]{University of Nebraska \-- Lincoln}
+  \titlepage%
+% \begin{frame}
+  \begin{minipage}[c][\textheight]{0.45\textwidth}
+    \begin{itemize}
+      \item 4-top production can proceed through either
+        \begin{itemize}
+          \item<2,5-> $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_S^4)$ QCD Process
+          \item<3,5-> $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_S^2 y_t^2)$ Higgs Exchange
+          \item<4,5-> $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_S^2\alpha^2)$ Electroweak Process
+        \end{itemize}
+      \item<5-> Higgs Exchange + EW gives $\approx10\%$ contribution to total cross-section.
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{minipage}
+  \begin{minipage}[c][\textheight]{0.45\textwidth}
+    \centering
+    \only<2>{%
+      \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/production-qcd.png}
+    }
+    \only<3>{%
+      \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/production-higgs.png}
+    }
+    \only<4>{%
+      \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/production-ew.png}
+    }
+    \only<5>{%
+      Standard Model cross-section at $\sqrt{s}=13\mathrm{TeV}$:
+      \begin{center}
+        \Huge{12.32\fb}
+      \end{center}
+    }
+    \only<6->{%
+      Standard Model cross-section at $\sqrt{s}=13\mathrm{TeV}$:
+      \vspace{-.15in}
+      \begin{center}
+        \Large{12.32\fb}
+      \end{center}
+      \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/lhc-luminosity-2016.png}
+      % IMGSRC:
+      \vspace{-.15in}
+      \begin{equation*}
+        \mathrm{\#\ Signal\ Events}=12.32\fb * 40\invfb \approx 493
+      \end{equation*}
+    }
+  \end{minipage}
+\begin{frame}{Decay Channels}
+  \begin{minipage}[c][\textheight]{0.45\textwidth}
+    \begin{itemize}
+        %TODO: Check the limits on non-bW decays
+      \item<1-> All* tops will immediately decay to a b-quark and a W-boson
+      \item<2-> The W-boson will immediately decay either
+        \begin{itemize}
+          \item<2,4-> \textbf{Leptonically}
+          \item<3-> \textbf{Hadronically}
+        \end{itemize}
+      \item<4-> The b-quark will form some b hadron, travel some macroscopic distance, and then hadronize into a jet.
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{minipage}
+  \begin{minipage}[c][\textheight]{0.54\textwidth}
+    \centering
+    \only<1>{%
+      \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/feynman-diagrams/T->b,W.png}
+    }
+    \only<2>{%
+      \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/feynman-diagrams/T->b,(W->ln).png}
+    }
+    \only<3>{%
+      \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/feynman-diagrams/T->b,(W->qq).png}
+    }
+    \only<4>{%
+      \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{figures/b-tagging.png}
+    }
+  \end{minipage}
+\begin{frame}{Decay Channels}
+  The Decay channels are enumerated based on the types of W-decays
+  \tiny
+  \begin{tabular}{@{}llccrrc@{}}
+    \textbf{Name}               & \textbf{Leptons}           & \textbf{B-Jets} & \textbf{LF-Jets} & \textbf{BR}     & \textbf{BR ($\mu$ and $e$ only)} & \textbf{Events @ 40\invfb}    \\ \midrule
+  Hadronic                    &                            & 4               & 8                & 20\%            & 20\%                             & 99                               \\ \midrule
+  Single Lepton               & $\ell^\pm$                 & 4               & 6                & 40\%            & 26.6\%                           & 131                              \\ \midrule
+  Same-Sign (SS) Dilepton     & $\ell^\pm \ell^\pm$        & 4               & 4                & 9.7\%           & 4.3\%                            & 21                               \\ \midrule
+  Opposite-Sign (OS) Dilepton & $\ell^\pm \ell^\mp$        & 4               & 4                & 19.3\%          & 8.6\%                            & 42                               \\ \midrule
+  Trilepton                   & $\ell^\pm\ell^\pm\ell^\mp$ & 4               & 2                & 9.8\%           & 2.9\%                            & 14                               \\ \midrule
+  Leptonic                    & $\ell^+\ell^+\ell^-\ell^-$ & 4               & 2                & 1.2\%           & 0.24\%                           & 1                                \\ \bottomrule
+  \end{tabular}
+\footnotesize{$\ell \in \left(e,\mu,\tau\right)$}
+\section{Previous Measurements}
+\begin{frame}{Previous CMS Measurements @ 13TeV}
+  \begin{tabular}{@{}lcr@{}}
+  \textbf{Analysis}           & \textbf{Channel}            & \textbf{Limit}  \\ \midrule
+  CMS-TOP-16-016              & Single Lepton, OS Dilepton  & 94\fb          \\ \midrule
+  CMS-SUS-15-008              & SS Dilepton                 & 119\fb         \\ \bottomrule
+  \textbf{Combined}           &                             & 69\fb          \\
+  \end{tabular}
+\section{Progress \& Status}
+\begin{frame}{Progress \& Status}
