123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262 |
- #include <iostream>
- #include <vector>
- #include <cmath>
- #include <numeric>
- #include <TSystem.h>
- #include <Math/VectorUtil.h>
- #include "filval.hpp"
- #include "root_filval.hpp"
- #include "common.hpp"
- #include "analysis/TrackingNtupleObjs.hpp"
- const double pi = 3.1415926535897932384626;
- const double pi2 = 2*pi;
- std::map<int, std::string> algoName = {
- {0, "undefAlgorithm" },
- {1, "ctf" },
- {2, "duplicateMerge" },
- {3, "cosmics" },
- {4, "initialStep" },
- {5, "lowPtTripletStep" },
- {6, "pixelPairStep" },
- {7, "detachedTripletStep" },
- {8, "mixedTripletStep" },
- {9, "pixelLessStep" },
- {10, "tobTecStep" },
- {11, "jetCoreRegionalStep" },
- {12, "conversionStep" },
- {13, "muonSeededStepInOut" },
- {14, "muonSeededStepOutIn" },
- {15, "outInEcalSeededConv" },
- {16, "inOutEcalSeededConv" },
- {17, "nuclInter" },
- {18, "standAloneMuon" },
- {19, "globalMuon" },
- {20, "cosmicStandAloneMuon" },
- {21, "cosmicGlobalMuon" },
- {22, "highPtTripletStep" },
- {23, "lowPtQuadStep" },
- {24, "detachedQuadStep" },
- {25, "reservedForUpgrades1" },
- {26, "reservedForUpgrades2" },
- {27, "bTagGhostTracks" },
- {28, "beamhalo" },
- {29, "gsf" },
- {30, "hltPixel" },
- {31, "hltIter0" },
- {32, "hltIter1" },
- {33, "hltIter2" },
- {34, "hltIter3" },
- {35, "hltIter4" },
- {36, "hltIterX" },
- {37, "hiRegitMuInitialStep" },
- {38, "hiRegitMuLowPtTripletStep" },
- {39, "hiRegitMuPixelPairStep" },
- {40, "hiRegitMuDetachedTripletStep" },
- {41, "hiRegitMuMixedTripletStep" },
- {42, "hiRegitMuPixelLessStep" },
- {43, "hiRegitMuTobTecStep" },
- {44, "hiRegitMuMuonSeededStepInOut" },
- {45, "hiRegitMuMuonSeededStepOutIn" }
- };
- typedef ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<float>> Vec4;
- SeedCollection seeds;
- GenCollection gens;
- SimTrackCollection sim_tracks;
- SimVertexCollection sim_vertices;
- TrackCollection gsf_tracks;
- SuperClusterCollection scls;
- std::vector<SimTrack> sim_els;
- Value<float>* truePileup;
- Value<int>* inTimePileup;
- Value<unsigned long>* event;
- /* Value<vector<int>>* outOfTimePileup; */
- /* Value<vector<unsigned int>>* totalSeedsAlgo; */
- Value<unsigned int>* totalSeeds;
- void register_objects(TrackingDataSet& tds){
- seeds.init(&tds);
- gens.init(&tds);
- /* sim_tracks.init(&tds); */
- /* sim_vertices.init(&tds); */
- gsf_tracks.init(&tds);
- /* scls.init(&tds); */
- }
- struct {
- Value<float>* x;
- Value<float>* y;
- Value<float>* z;
- Value<float>* sigma_x;
- Value<float>* sigma_y;
- Value<float>* sigma_z;
- } bs;
- template <typename T>
- struct KinColl {
- T* pt;
- T* eta;
- T* phi;
- };
- bool in_lum_region(const SimVertex& vertex) {
- /* Here approximate the luminous region as a cylinder with length 5*\sigma_z and radius
- * sqrt(\simga_x^2 + \sigma_y^2) centered as beamspot position.
- */
- float dx = vertex.x() - bs.x->get();
- float dy = vertex.y() - bs.y->get();
- float dz = vertex.z() - bs.z->get();
- auto radius = static_cast<float>(5 * sqrt(pow(bs.sigma_x->get(), 2) + pow(bs.sigma_y->get(), 2)));
- float half_len = 5*bs.sigma_z->get();
- return sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) < radius and abs(dz) < half_len;
- };
- bool is_good_sim(const SimTrack& sim_track) {
- const auto& vertex = sim_vertices[sim_track.parentVtxIdx()];
- return abs(sim_track.pdgId()) == 11 and // electrons
- in_lum_region(vertex) and // from luminous region
- abs(sim_track.eta())<3.0; // inside ECAL acceptance
- };
- bool is_good_sim(const std::vector<SimTrack> prompt_sims, const SimTrack& sim_track) {
- return find(prompt_sims.begin(), prompt_sims.end(), sim_track) != prompt_sims.end();
- };
- bool is_good_seed(const Seed& seed, float hoe_cut) {
- return seed.isECALDriven() and seed.hoe() < hoe_cut;
- }
- float reco_energy_rel_err(const SimTrack& sim_track, const Seed& seed) {
- return (sim_track.pt() - seed.Et()) / sim_track.pt() ;
- }
- float reco_energy_rel_err(const SimTrack& sim_track, const Track& track) {
- return (sim_track.pt() - track.pt()) / sim_track.pt() ;
- }
- template<typename TrackOrSeed>
- bool reco_energy_consistent(const SimTrack& sim_track, const TrackOrSeed& track, float consistency_cut=0.1) {
- return fabs(reco_energy_rel_err(sim_track, track)) < consistency_cut;
- }
- Vec4 scl_p4(const SuperCluster& scl) {
- return Vec4(scl.px(), scl.py(), scl.pz(), scl.e());
- }
- double dphi(double phi1, double phi2) {
- auto spec_mod = [](double a) {
- return a - floor(a/pi2)*pi2;
- };
- return spec_mod(phi2 - phi1 + pi) - pi;
- }
- double deltaR(double eta1, double phi1, double eta2, double phi2) {
- return sqrt(pow(eta1 - eta2, 2.0) +
- pow(dphi(phi1, phi2), 2.0));
- }
- struct Track_ {
- unsigned long idx;
- float pt;
- float eta;
- float phi;
- };
- void run(){
- using namespace std;
- using namespace fv;
- using namespace fv_root;
- using namespace fv_util;
- auto file_list = the_config->get_source_files();
- string output_filename = the_config->get_output_filename();
- TrackingDataSet tds(output_filename, file_list, "trackingNtuple/tree");
- register_objects(tds);
- auto hoe_cut = the_config->get("hoe_cut").as<float>(999);
- inTimePileup = tds.track_branch<int>("inTimePileup");
- truePileup = tds.track_branch<float>("truePileup");
- event = tds.track_branch<unsigned long>("event");
- while (tds.next()) {
- cout << "event: " << event << endl;
- // Find Z's Children
- /* for (const auto& gen : gens) { */
- /* if (not gen.isPrompt()) continue; */
- /* if (abs(gen.pdgId()) == 11 or */
- /* abs(gen.pdgId()) == 13 or */
- /* abs(gen.pdgId()) == 15) { */
- /* cout << " " << gen.pdgId() << endl; */
- /* } */
- /* } */
- vector<Track_> tracks_;
- for (const auto& gsf_track : gsf_tracks) {
- const auto& seed = seeds[gsf_track.seedIdx()];
- tracks_.push_back({gsf_track.idx, gsf_track.pt(), gsf_track.eta(), gsf_track.phi()});
- cout << gsf_track.idx << ") " <<
- gsf_track.nPixel() << " : " << gsf_track.nPixelLay() << " | " <<
- gsf_track.nStrip() << " : " << gsf_track.nStripLay() << " | " <<
- algoName[gsf_track.originalAlgo()] << " | " <<
- algoName[gsf_track.algo()] << " | " <<
- algoName[seed.algo()] << " | " <<
- gsf_track.algoMask() << " | " <<
- endl;
- }
- std::sort(tracks_.begin(), tracks_.end(), [](Track_ a, Track_ b) {
- return a.phi < b.phi;
- });
- std::sort(tracks_.begin(), tracks_.end(), [](Track_ a, Track_ b) {
- return a.eta < b.eta;
- });
- std::sort(tracks_.begin(), tracks_.end(), [](Track_ a, Track_ b) {
- return a.pt < b.pt;
- });
- /* for (const auto& track_ : tracks_) { */
- /* cout << track_.idx << ") " << */
- /* track_.pt << " : " << */
- /* track_.eta << " : " << */
- /* track_.phi << endl; */
- /* } */
- }
- /* tds.save_all(); */
- }
- int main(int argc, char * argv[]){
- using namespace fv_util;
- ArgParser args(argc, argv);
- if(args.cmd_option_exists("-c")) {
- init_config(args.get_cmd_option("-c"));
- args.update_config();
- if (args.cmd_option_exists("-s")) {
- the_config->update_key("silent", true);
- }
- if (args.cmd_option_exists("-b")) {
- the_config->update_key("batch", true);
- }
- init_log(LogPriority::kLogInfo);
- // gSystem->Load("libfilval.so");
- run();
- } else {
- cout << "Usage: ./" << argv[0] << " (-s) (-b) -c config_file.yaml" << endl;
- }
- return 0;
- }