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\title[e Reco. Validation]{Offline Electron Reconstruction Validation}
\author[C. Fangmeier]{\textbf{Caleb Fangmeier} \\ Ilya Kravchenko,  Greg Snow}
\institute[UNL]{University of Nebraska \-- Lincoln}
\date{July 21, 2017}



      \item Our goal is to study \textbf{seeding} for the \textbf{offline} Gsf tracking with the \textbf{new pixel detector}.
    \item Ongoing studies\footnote{\url{https://indico.cern.ch/event/613833/contributions/2646392/attachments/1486134/2307836/EGMHLT_PixelMatching_Jun30.pdf}} in HLT examine the resolution of RecHits used in Gsf Tracking.
    \item In those studies, the resolution is computed by measuring the distance between the \textbf{RecHits} and the extrapolated paths from ECAL \textbf{super-clusters} (SCs).
    \item For \textbf{offline} reconstruction, we compute residuals by comparing the position of \textbf{RecHits} and associated \textbf{SimHits}.
    \item Knowing these resolutions is important in choosing the size of search windows in the hit matching algorithm used in electron reconstruction.

    \item We use Rafael Lopes de Sa's analysis setup\footnote{\url{https://github.com/rafaellopesdesa/cmssw/tree/ValidationGsfTracks81X}} that is derived from the standard offline tracking reconstruction tool \texttt{TrackingNtuple} from \texttt{Validation/RecoTrack}.
    \item Source dataset: \\ {\scriptsize \texttt{/DYJetsToLL\_M-50\_TuneCUETP8M1\_13TeV-madgraphMLM-pythia8/\\ PhaseIFall16DR-FlatPU28to62HcalNZSRAW\_81X\_upgrade2017\_realistic\_v26-v1/\\ GEN-SIM-RAW}}
    \item Using Release \texttt{CMSSW\_8\_1\_0}
    \item Figures in this talk use 31790 events (could be re-run with more)

\begin{frame}{Gsf Electron Seeding I}
  \footnotesize{Windows from \url{https://indico.cern.ch/event/611042/contributions/2464057/attachments/1406271/2148742/ElectronTracking30112016.pdf}}

\begin{frame}{Gsf Electron Seeding II}

\begin{frame}{Gsf Electron Seeding III}

  The \texttt{TrackingNtuple} format contains (among others) the below crosslinked collections

\begin{frame}{Finding \texttt{SimHit}/\texttt{RecHit} Pairs}
To find residuals for calculating resolutions, require a pair containing 1
\texttt{RecHit} and 1 \texttt{SimHit}. Procedure is as follows:
    \item For each \texttt{Track}, get it's \texttt{Seed} (unique)
    \item For each \texttt{RecHit} in the \texttt{Seed}, require
        \item It is in the specified subdetector (e.g. BPIX Layer 1)
        \item It is the 1st/2nd hit in the \texttt{Seed}.
        \item It is matched to at least one \texttt{SimHit}.
    \item For each \texttt{RecHit} (\textbf{B}) passing the above, take the first matched
      \texttt{SimHit} (\textbf{A}).
    \item Now look through all \texttt{SimHits} associated with
      \texttt{SimTracks} associated with the original \texttt{Track}. If
      \textbf{A} exists in this set. Make a pair of \texttt{SimHit} \textbf{A}
      and \texttt{RecHit} \textbf{B}.

\begin{frame}{Finding \texttt{SimHit}/\texttt{RecHit} Pairs}

\begin{frame}{BPIX Hit 1 Resolution}

\begin{frame}{BPIX Hit 1 Resolution vs. $\eta$}

\begin{frame}{BPIX Hit 2 Resolution}

\begin{frame}{BPIX Hit 2 Resolution vs. $\eta$}

\begin{frame}{Resolution dependence on even/odd ladder number}
      \item Above From Dylan Rankin's June 30 Presentation. (See slide 1)
      \item We have slightly different definitions of $\Delta\phi_1$, but wanted to investigate ourselves.

\begin{frame}{Resolution dependence on even/odd ladder number}

    \item Analysis machinery for offline electron RECO studies with MC truth is in place.
    \item Preliminary plots of $\Delta\phi_{1/2}$ and $\Delta z_{1/2}$ for BPIX
      Layers 1/2 are shown.
    \item Code for this analysis is here: \\ \footnotesize
    \item  next to come
        \item run on larger event samples (\texttt{trackingNtuples} are generated, just need to use)
        \item include FPIX
        \item investigate reasons for rec hit inefficiencies
        \item introduce triplet-based pixel matching for the seeds and repeat the studies
    % \item What specific figures/measurements are of interest to experts?
