#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "filval.hpp" #include "root_filval.hpp" #include "common.hpp" #include "analysis/TrackingNtupleObjs.hpp" typedef ROOT::Math::LorentzVector> Vec4; SeedCollection seeds; SimTrackCollection sim_tracks; SimVertexCollection sim_vertices; TrackCollection gsf_tracks; SuperClusterCollection scls; void register_objects(TrackingDataSet& tds){ /* seeds.init(tds); */ sim_tracks.init(&tds); sim_vertices.init(&tds); /* gsf_tracks.init(tds); */ /* scls.init(tds); */ } struct { Value* x; Value* y; Value* z; Value* sigma_x; Value* sigma_y; Value* sigma_z; } bs; template struct KinColl { T* pt; T* eta; T* phi; }; bool in_lum_region(const SimVertex& vertex) { /* Here approximate the luminous region as a cylinder with length 5*\sigma_z and radius * sqrt(\simga_x^2 + \sigma_y^2) centered as beamspot position. */ float dx = vertex.x() - bs.x->get(); float dy = vertex.y() - bs.y->get(); float dz = vertex.z() - bs.z->get(); auto radius = static_cast(5 * sqrt(pow(bs.sigma_x->get(), 2) + pow(bs.sigma_y->get(), 2))); float half_len = 5*bs.sigma_z->get(); return sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) < radius and abs(dz) < half_len; }; bool is_good_sim(const SimTrack& sim_track) { const auto& vertex = sim_vertices[sim_track.parentVtxIdx()]; return abs(sim_track.pdgId()) == 11 and in_lum_region(vertex); }; template std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const std::vector& v) { if ( !v.empty() ) { out << '['; std::copy(v.begin(), v.end(), std::ostream_iterator(out, ", ")); out << "\b\b]"; } else { cout << "[]"; } return out; } void run(){ using namespace std; using namespace fv; using namespace fv_root; using namespace fv_util; auto file_list = the_config->get_source_files(); string output_filename = the_config->get_output_filename(); TrackingDataSet tds(output_filename, file_list, "trackingNtuple/tree"); register_objects(tds); // Declare TTree bs = { tds.track_branch("bsp_x"), tds.track_branch("bsp_y"), tds.track_branch("bsp_z"), tds.track_branch("bsp_sigmax"), tds.track_branch("bsp_sigmay"), tds.track_branch("bsp_sigmaz") }; while (tds.next()) { cout << "Event: " << tds.get_current_event() << endl; /* for (const auto& sim_track : sim_tracks) { */ /* if (!is_good_sim(sim_track)) continue; */ /* /1* SimVertex parentvtx = sim_vertices[sim_track.parentVtxIdx()]; *1/ */ /* /1* SimVertex parentvtx = sim_vertices[sim_track.parentVtxIdx()]; *1/ */ /* cout << "\t" << sim_track.pdgId() << " " */ /* << sim_track.pt() << " " */ /* << sim_track.eta() << " " */ /* << sim_track.phi() << " " */ /* << sim_track.parentVtxIdx() << "(" */ /* << sim_vertices[sim_track.parentVtxIdx()].processType() << ") " */ /* << sim_track.decayVtxIdx() << " "; */ /* if (sim_track.decayVtxIdx().size() > 0) { */ /* cout << sim_tracks[sim_vertices[sim_track.decayVtxIdx()[0]].daughterSimIdx()[0]].pdgId(); */ /* } */ /* cout << endl; */ /* // Log Sim Track */ /* } */ int n_pvx = 0; cout << setprecision(3); for (const auto& sim_vtx : sim_vertices) { if (sim_vtx.sourceSimIdx().size() > 0) continue; n_pvx++; cout << n_pvx << " (" << sim_vtx.x() << ", " << sim_vtx.y() << ", " << sim_vtx.z() << ") " << sim_vtx.processType() << endl; for (const int& trk_idx : sim_vtx.daughterSimIdx()) { const auto& trk = sim_tracks[trk_idx]; cout << "\t" << setw(5) << trk.pdgId() << "(" << setw(5) << trk.pt() << ", " << setw(5) << trk.eta() << ", " << setw(5) << trk.phi() << ")" << endl; } /* cout << sim_vtx.sourceSimIdx() << endl; */ } } tds.save_all(); } int main(int argc, char * argv[]){ using namespace fv_util; ArgParser args(argc, argv); if(args.cmd_option_exists("-c")) { init_config(args.get_cmd_option("-c")); args.update_config(); if (args.cmd_option_exists("-s")) { the_config->update_key("silent", true); } if (args.cmd_option_exists("-b")) { the_config->update_key("batch", true); } init_log(LogPriority::kLogInfo); // gSystem->Load("libfilval.so"); run(); } else { cout << "Usage: ./" << argv[0] << " (-s) (-b) -c config_file.yaml" << endl; } return 0; }