@@ -1,863 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <map>
-#include <utility>
-#include <numeric>
-#include <limits>
-#include <TSystem.h>
-#include "filval/filval.hpp"
-#include "filval/root/filval.hpp"
-#include <boost/range/combine.hpp>
-#include <boost/format.hpp>
-#include "analysis/TrackingNtuple.h"
-#include "analysis/TrackingNtupleObjs.hpp"
-#include "analysis/common.hpp"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace fv;
-using namespace fv::root;
-typedef std::pair<std::vector<float>,std::vector<float>> pair_vec;
-#define HIT_TYPE_PIXEL 0
-#define HIT_TYPE_GLUED 1
-#define HIT_TYPE_STRIP 2
-enum PixSubDet{
- Void = 0,
- Barrel = 1,
- EndCap = 2
-struct PixDetElem{
- PixSubDet subdet;
- unsigned char layer;
- PixDetElem():subdet(PixSubDet::Void), layer(0) {}
- PixDetElem(const PixSubDet& subdet, const unsigned char& layer){
- this->subdet = subdet;
- this->layer = layer;
- }
- template<typename T>
- bool contains(const T& obj) const{
- return obj.subdet() == subdet && obj.layer() == layer;
- }
- bool contains(const PixSubDet& subdet, const unsigned char& layer) const{
- return subdet == this->subdet && layer == this->layer;
- }
-std::map<PixSubDet,string> subdet_names = {{PixSubDet::Barrel, "BPIX"}, {PixSubDet::EndCap, "FPIX"}};
-typedef std::tuple<PixRecHit, SimHit> HitPair;
-vector<string> seedTypes =
- {"initialStepSeeds",
- "highPtTripletStepSeeds",
- "mixedTripletStepSeeds",
- "pixelLessStepSeeds",
- "tripletElectronSeeds",
- "pixelPairElectronSeeds",
- "stripPairElectronSeeds"};
-SuperClusterCollection super_clusters;
-SeedCollection seeds;
-PixRecHitCollection pixrec_hits;
-TrackCollection tracks;
-SimHitCollection sim_hits;
-SimTrackCollection sim_tracks;
-void setup_hit_pair_functions(){
- func<pair_vec(vector<HitPair>)>("calc_dphi_v_eta",
- FUNC(([](const vector<HitPair>& hit_pairs){
- vector<float> dphis;
- vector<float> etas;
- for(auto hit_pair : hit_pairs){
- auto& pixrec_hit = std::get<PixRecHit>(hit_pair);
- auto& sim_hit = std::get<SimHit>(hit_pair);
- dphis.push_back(atan2(sim_hit.x(), sim_hit.y()) - atan2(pixrec_hit.x(), pixrec_hit.y()));
- etas.push_back(pseudorapidity(pixrec_hit));
- }
- return std::make_pair(etas, dphis);
- })));
- func<pair_vec(vector<HitPair>)>("calc_dr_v_eta",
- FUNC(([](const vector<HitPair>& hit_pairs){
- vector<float> drs;
- vector<float> etas;
- for(auto hit_pair : hit_pairs){
- auto& pixrec_hit = std::get<PixRecHit>(hit_pair);
- auto& sim_hit = std::get<SimHit>(hit_pair);
- drs.push_back(displacement(pixrec_hit, sim_hit));
- etas.push_back(pseudorapidity(pixrec_hit));
- }
- return std::make_pair(etas, drs);
- })));
- func<pair_vec(vector<HitPair>)>("calc_dz_v_eta",
- FUNC(([](const vector<HitPair>& hit_pairs){
- vector<float> dzs;
- vector<float> etas;
- for(auto hit_pair : hit_pairs){
- auto& pixrec_hit = std::get<PixRecHit>(hit_pair);
- auto& sim_hit = std::get<SimHit>(hit_pair);
- dzs.push_back(sim_hit.z() - pixrec_hit.z());
- etas.push_back(pseudorapidity(pixrec_hit));
- }
- return std::make_pair(etas, dzs);
- })));
- func<pair_vec(vector<HitPair>)>("calc_drho_v_eta",
- FUNC(([](const vector<HitPair>& hit_pairs){
- vector<float> drhos;
- vector<float> etas;
- for(auto hit_pair : hit_pairs){
- auto& pixrec_hit = std::get<PixRecHit>(hit_pair);
- auto& sim_hit = std::get<SimHit>(hit_pair);
- drhos.push_back(rho(sim_hit) - rho(pixrec_hit));
- etas.push_back(pseudorapidity(pixrec_hit));
- }
- return std::make_pair(etas, drhos);
- })));
-void register_objects(TrackingDataSet& tds){
- super_clusters.init(tds);
- seeds.init(tds);
- pixrec_hits.init(tds);
- tracks.init(tds);
- sim_hits.init(tds);
- sim_tracks.init(tds);
-void setup_skipped_layer_hit_pairs(TrackingDataSet& tds){
- /* Finds SimHit/RecHit pairs
- */
- auto find_matched_nth_hit_in_layer_with_skip =
- func<vector<HitPair>(PixDetElem, int, bool)>("find_matched_nth_hit_in_layer_with_skip",
- FUNC(([](const PixDetElem&& pixdet,
- const unsigned int&& skip,
- const bool&& first){
- vector<HitPair> matched_hits;
- for(auto trk : tracks){ // loop over all tracks
- auto seed = seeds[trk.seedIdx()];
- // Require seed's source algorithm is one of those in seedTypes
- if(seed.algoOriginal() < 0 || seed.algoOriginal() >= seedTypes.size()) continue;
- // Require seed w/ at least 2 hits
- if(seed.hitIdx().size() < 2) continue;
- // take only pixel hits for now
- if(seed.hitType()[0] != HIT_TYPE_PIXEL || seed.hitType()[1] != HIT_TYPE_PIXEL) continue;
- auto rec_hit1 = pixrec_hits[seed.hitIdx()[0]];
- auto rec_hit2 = pixrec_hits[seed.hitIdx()[1]];
- if(first){ // Looking at first hit in the pair
- if(pixdet.contains(rec_hit1) && pixdet.contains((PixSubDet)rec_hit2.subdet(), rec_hit2.layer()-1-skip)){
- // We have the RecHit we want to work with, now find a properly* matched SimHit
- if(rec_hit1.simHitIdx().size() == 0) continue; // if rechit is matched to no simhits, give up.
- if(trk.simTrkIdx().size() == 0) continue; // if track is matched to no simtracks, give up.
- const int &simTrkIdx = trk.simTrkIdx()[0]; // get first matched track
- for(const int& simHitIdx : sim_tracks[simTrkIdx].simHitIdx()){ // loop over SimHits from SimTrack
- if(simHitIdx == rec_hit1.simHitIdx()[0]) // take first matched simhit (should be the closest one)
- matched_hits.push_back({rec_hit1, sim_hits[rec_hit1.simHitIdx()[0]]});
- }
- }
- }else{ // Looking at second hit in the pair
- if(pixdet.contains(rec_hit2) && pixdet.contains((PixSubDet)rec_hit1.subdet(), rec_hit2.layer()+1+skip)){
- // We have the RecHit we want to work with, now find a properly* matched SimHit
- if(rec_hit2.simHitIdx().size() == 0) continue; // if rechit is matched to no simhits, give up.
- if(trk.simTrkIdx().size() == 0) continue; // if track is matched to no simtracks, give up.
- const int &simTrkIdx = trk.simTrkIdx()[0]; // get first matched track
- for(const int& simHitIdx : sim_tracks[simTrkIdx].simHitIdx()){ // loop over SimHits from SimTrack
- if(simHitIdx == rec_hit1.simHitIdx()[0]) // take first matched simhit (should be the closest one)
- matched_hits.push_back({rec_hit2, sim_hits[rec_hit2.simHitIdx()[0]]});
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return matched_hits;
- })));
- auto BPIX_L1 = constant("BPIX_L1", PixDetElem(PixSubDet::Barrel, 1));
- auto BPIX_L2 = constant("BPIX_L2", PixDetElem(PixSubDet::Barrel, 2));
- auto FPIX_L1 = constant("FPIX_L1", PixDetElem(PixSubDet::EndCap, 1));
- auto FPIX_L2 = constant("FPIX_L2", PixDetElem(PixSubDet::EndCap, 2));
- auto skip_zero = constant("skip_zero", 0);
- auto skip_one = constant("skip_one", 1);
- auto first = constant("first", true);
- auto second = constant("second", false);
- // First hit on 1st/2nd bpix layers and second hit in 2nd/3rd
- auto first_hits_in_B1_skip_zero = fv::tup_apply(find_matched_nth_hit_in_layer_with_skip,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L1, skip_zero, first), "first_hits_in_B1_skip_zero");
- auto first_hits_in_B2_skip_zero = fv::tup_apply(find_matched_nth_hit_in_layer_with_skip,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L2, skip_zero, first), "first_hits_in_B2_skip_zero");
- // First hit on 1st/2nd fpix layers and second hit in 2nd/3rd
- auto first_hits_in_F1_skip_zero = fv::tup_apply(find_matched_nth_hit_in_layer_with_skip,
- fv::tuple(FPIX_L1, skip_zero, first), "first_hits_in_F1_skip_zero");
- auto first_hits_in_F2_skip_zero = fv::tup_apply(find_matched_nth_hit_in_layer_with_skip,
- fv::tuple(FPIX_L2, skip_zero, first), "first_hits_in_F2_skip_zero");
- // First hit on 1st/2nd fpix layers and second hit in 3rd/4th
- auto first_hits_in_B1_skip_one = fv::tup_apply(find_matched_nth_hit_in_layer_with_skip,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L1, skip_one, first), "first_hits_in_B1_skip_one");
- auto first_hits_in_B2_skip_one = fv::tup_apply(find_matched_nth_hit_in_layer_with_skip,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L2, skip_one, first), "first_hits_in_B2_skip_one");
- // First hit on 1st fpix layer and second hit in 3rd layer
- auto first_hits_in_F1_skip_one = fv::tup_apply(find_matched_nth_hit_in_layer_with_skip,
- fv::tuple(FPIX_L1, skip_one, first), "first_hits_in_F1_skip_one");
- TH2Params params_dz = {"$\\eta$", 100, -4, 4,
- "$\\Delta z$(rad)", 50, -.01, .01};
- auto calc_dz_v_eta = lookup_function<pair_vec(vector<HitPair>)>("calc_dz_v_eta");
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dz_v_eta_first_hits_in_B1_skip_zero",
- fv::apply(calc_dz_v_eta, first_hits_in_B1_skip_zero),
- "First Hit in BPIX-L1 - Skip 0", params_dz);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dz_v_eta_first_hits_in_B2_skip_zero",
- fv::apply(calc_dz_v_eta, first_hits_in_B2_skip_zero),
- "First Hit in BPIX-L2 - Skip 0", params_dz);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dz_v_eta_first_hits_in_F1_skip_zero",
- fv::apply(calc_dz_v_eta, first_hits_in_F1_skip_zero),
- "First Hit in FPIX-L1 - Skip 0", params_dz);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dz_v_eta_first_hits_in_F2_skip_zero",
- fv::apply(calc_dz_v_eta, first_hits_in_F2_skip_zero),
- "First Hit in FPIX-L2 - Skip 0", params_dz);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dz_v_eta_first_hits_in_B1_skip_one",
- fv::apply(calc_dz_v_eta, first_hits_in_B1_skip_one),
- "First Hit in BPIX-L1 - Skip 1", params_dz);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dz_v_eta_first_hits_in_B2_skip_one",
- fv::apply(calc_dz_v_eta, first_hits_in_B2_skip_one),
- "First Hit in BPIX-L2 - Skip 1", params_dz);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dz_v_eta_first_hits_in_F1_skip_one",
- fv::apply(calc_dz_v_eta, first_hits_in_F1_skip_one),
- "First Hit in FPIX-L1 - Skip 1", params_dz);
-void setup_first_hit_pairs(TrackingDataSet& tds){
- auto find_matched_nth_hit_in_layer =
- func<vector<HitPair>(PixDetElem, int)>("find_matched_nth_hit_in_layer",
- FUNC(([](const PixDetElem&& pixdet,
- const unsigned int&& hit_number){
- vector<HitPair> matched_hits;
- for(auto track : tracks){ // loop over all tracks
- auto seed = seeds[track.seedIdx()];
- if(seed.hitIdx().size() <= hit_number) continue; // looking for hit_number'th hit
- if(seed.algoOriginal() < 0 || seed.algoOriginal() >= seedTypes.size()) continue;
- if(seed.hitType()[hit_number] != HIT_TYPE_PIXEL) continue; // take only pixel hits for now
- auto rec_hit = pixrec_hits[seed.hitIdx()[hit_number]];
- if(pixdet.contains(rec_hit)){
- // We have the RecHit we want to work with, now find a properly* matched SimHit
- if(rec_hit.simHitIdx().size() == 0) continue; // if rechit is matched to no simhits, give up.
- if(track.simTrkIdx().size() == 0) continue; // if rechit is matched to no simhits, give up.
- const int &simTrkIdx = track.simTrkIdx()[0]; // get first matched track
- for(const int& simHitIdx : sim_tracks[simTrkIdx].simHitIdx()){ // loop over SimHits from SimTrack
- if(simHitIdx == rec_hit.simHitIdx()[0]) // take first matched simhit (should be the closest one)
- matched_hits.push_back({rec_hit, sim_hits[rec_hit.simHitIdx()[0]]});
- }
- }
- }
- return matched_hits;
- })));
- //**//**
- auto BPIX_L1 = constant("BPIX_L1", PixDetElem(PixSubDet::Barrel, 1));
- auto BPIX_L2 = constant("BPIX_L2", PixDetElem(PixSubDet::Barrel, 2));
- auto BPIX_L3 = constant("BPIX_L3", PixDetElem(PixSubDet::Barrel, 3));
- auto BPIX_L4 = constant("BPIX_L4", PixDetElem(PixSubDet::Barrel, 4));
- auto FPIX_L1 = constant("FPIX_L1", PixDetElem(PixSubDet::EndCap, 1));
- auto FPIX_L2 = constant("FPIX_L2", PixDetElem(PixSubDet::EndCap, 2));
- auto FPIX_L3 = constant("FPIX_L3", PixDetElem(PixSubDet::EndCap, 3));
- auto first_hit = constant("1st", 0);
- auto second_hit = constant("2nd", 1);
- // First hits on inner two bpix layers
- auto first_hits_in_B1 = fv::tup_apply(find_matched_nth_hit_in_layer,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L1, first_hit), "first_hits_in_B1");
- auto first_hits_in_B2 = fv::tup_apply(find_matched_nth_hit_in_layer,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L2, first_hit), "first_hits_in_B2");
- // Second hits on outer three bpix layers
- auto second_hits_in_B2 = fv::tup_apply(find_matched_nth_hit_in_layer,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L2, second_hit), "second_hits_in_B2");
- auto second_hits_in_B3 = fv::tup_apply(find_matched_nth_hit_in_layer,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L3, second_hit), "second_hits_in_B3");
- auto second_hits_in_B4 = fv::tup_apply(find_matched_nth_hit_in_layer,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L4, second_hit), "second_hits_in_B4");
- auto first_hits_in_F1 = fv::tup_apply(find_matched_nth_hit_in_layer,
- fv::tuple(FPIX_L1, first_hit), "first_hits_in_F1");
- auto first_hits_in_F2 = fv::tup_apply(find_matched_nth_hit_in_layer,
- fv::tuple(FPIX_L2, first_hit), "first_hits_in_F2");
- auto second_hits_in_F2 = fv::tup_apply(find_matched_nth_hit_in_layer,
- fv::tuple(FPIX_L2, second_hit), "second_hits_in_F2");
- auto second_hits_in_F3 = fv::tup_apply(find_matched_nth_hit_in_layer,
- fv::tuple(FPIX_L3, second_hit), "second_hits_in_F3");
- // Even vs Odd Ladders
- auto even = constant("even", false);
- auto odd = constant("odd", true);
- auto select_even_odd_ladder_hit_pairs =
- func<vector<HitPair>(vector<HitPair>, bool)>("select_even_odd_ladder_hit_pairs",
- FUNC(([](const vector<HitPair>& hit_pairs,
- const bool &&odd){
- vector<HitPair> even_pairs;
- for(const HitPair &hit_pair : hit_pairs){ // loop over all seeds
- if(std::get<PixRecHit>(hit_pair).ladder() % 2 == odd){
- even_pairs.push_back(hit_pair);
- }
- }
- return even_pairs;
- })));
- auto first_hits_in_B1_even_ladder = fv::tup_apply(select_even_odd_ladder_hit_pairs,
- fv::tuple(first_hits_in_B1, even), "first_hits_in_B1_even_ladder");
- auto first_hits_in_B1_odd_ladder = fv::tup_apply(select_even_odd_ladder_hit_pairs,
- fv::tuple(first_hits_in_B1, odd), "first_hits_in_B1_odd_ladder");
- auto first_hits_in_B2_even_ladder = fv::tup_apply(select_even_odd_ladder_hit_pairs,
- fv::tuple(first_hits_in_B2, even), "first_hits_in_B2_even_ladder");
- auto first_hits_in_B2_odd_ladder = fv::tup_apply(select_even_odd_ladder_hit_pairs,
- fv::tuple(first_hits_in_B2, odd), "first_hits_in_B2_odd_ladder");
- //Plots for dPhi of collections defined above
- auto calc_dphi_v_eta = lookup_function<pair_vec(vector<HitPair>)>("calc_dphi_v_eta");
- TH2Params params_dphi = {"$\\eta$", 100, -4, 4,
- "$\\Delta \\phi$(rad)", 150, -.0015, .0015};
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dphi_v_eta_first_hits_in_B1",
- fv::apply(calc_dphi_v_eta, first_hits_in_B1),
- "First Hit in BPIX-L1", params_dphi);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dphi_v_eta_first_hits_in_B2",
- fv::apply(calc_dphi_v_eta, first_hits_in_B2),
- "First Hit in BPIX-L2", params_dphi);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dphi_v_eta_first_hits_in_B1_even_ladder",
- fv::apply(calc_dphi_v_eta, first_hits_in_B1_even_ladder),
- "First Hit in BPIX-L1 - Even Ladders", params_dphi);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dphi_v_eta_first_hits_in_B1_odd_ladder",
- fv::apply(calc_dphi_v_eta, first_hits_in_B1_odd_ladder),
- "First Hit in BPIX-L1 - Odd Ladders", params_dphi);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dphi_v_eta_first_hits_in_B2_even_ladder",
- fv::apply(calc_dphi_v_eta, first_hits_in_B2_even_ladder),
- "First Hit in BPIX-L2 - Even Ladders", params_dphi);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dphi_v_eta_first_hits_in_B2_odd_ladder",
- fv::apply(calc_dphi_v_eta, first_hits_in_B2_odd_ladder),
- "First Hit in BPIX-L2 - Odd Ladders", params_dphi);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dphi_v_eta_second_hits_in_B2",
- fv::apply(calc_dphi_v_eta, second_hits_in_B2),
- "Second Hit in BPIX-L2", params_dphi);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dphi_v_eta_second_hits_in_B3",
- fv::apply(calc_dphi_v_eta, second_hits_in_B3),
- "Second Hit in BPIX-L3", params_dphi);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dphi_v_eta_second_hits_in_B4",
- fv::apply(calc_dphi_v_eta, second_hits_in_B4),
- "Second Hit in BPIX-L4", params_dphi);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dphi_v_eta_first_hits_in_F1",
- fv::apply(calc_dphi_v_eta, first_hits_in_F1),
- "First Hit in FPIX-L1", params_dphi);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dphi_v_eta_first_hits_in_F2",
- fv::apply(calc_dphi_v_eta, first_hits_in_F2),
- "First Hit in FPIX-L2", params_dphi);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dphi_v_eta_second_hits_in_F2",
- fv::apply(calc_dphi_v_eta, second_hits_in_F2),
- "Second Hit in FPIX-L2", params_dphi);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dphi_v_eta_second_hits_in_F3",
- fv::apply(calc_dphi_v_eta, second_hits_in_F3),
- "Second Hit in FPIX-L3", params_dphi);
- //Plots for dr of collections defined above
- auto calc_dr_v_eta = lookup_function<pair_vec(vector<HitPair>)>("calc_dr_v_eta");
- TH2Params params_dr = {"$\\eta$", 100, -4, 4,
- "$\\Delta \\r$(rad)", 50, 0, .006};
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dr_v_eta_first_hits_in_B1",
- fv::apply(calc_dr_v_eta, first_hits_in_B1),
- "First Hit in BPIX-L1", params_dr);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dr_v_eta_first_hits_in_B2",
- fv::apply(calc_dr_v_eta, first_hits_in_B2),
- "First Hit in BPIX-L2", params_dr);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dr_v_eta_first_hits_in_B1_even_ladder",
- fv::apply(calc_dr_v_eta, first_hits_in_B1_even_ladder),
- "First Hit in BPIX-L1 - Even Ladders", params_dr);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dr_v_eta_first_hits_in_B1_odd_ladder",
- fv::apply(calc_dr_v_eta, first_hits_in_B1_odd_ladder),
- "First Hit in BPIX-L1 - Odd Ladders", params_dr);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dr_v_eta_first_hits_in_B2_even_ladder",
- fv::apply(calc_dr_v_eta, first_hits_in_B2_even_ladder),
- "First Hit in BPIX-L2 - Even Ladders", params_dr);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dr_v_eta_first_hits_in_B2_odd_ladder",
- fv::apply(calc_dr_v_eta, first_hits_in_B2_odd_ladder),
- "First Hit in BPIX-L2 - Odd Ladders", params_dr);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dr_v_eta_second_hits_in_B2",
- fv::apply(calc_dr_v_eta, second_hits_in_B2),
- "Second Hit in BPIX-L2", params_dr);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dr_v_eta_second_hits_in_B3",
- fv::apply(calc_dr_v_eta, second_hits_in_B3),
- "Second Hit in BPIX-L3", params_dr);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dr_v_eta_second_hits_in_B4",
- fv::apply(calc_dr_v_eta, second_hits_in_B4),
- "Second Hit in BPIX-L4", params_dr);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dr_v_eta_first_hits_in_F1",
- fv::apply(calc_dr_v_eta, first_hits_in_F1),
- "First Hit in FPIX-L1", params_dr);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dr_v_eta_first_hits_in_F2",
- fv::apply(calc_dr_v_eta, first_hits_in_F2),
- "First Hit in FPIX-L2", params_dr);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dr_v_eta_second_hits_in_F2",
- fv::apply(calc_dr_v_eta, second_hits_in_F2),
- "Second Hit in FPIX-L2", params_dr);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dr_v_eta_second_hits_in_F3",
- fv::apply(calc_dr_v_eta, second_hits_in_F3),
- "Second Hit in FPIX-L3", params_dr);
- //Plots for dz of collections defined above
- auto calc_dz_v_eta = lookup_function<pair_vec(vector<HitPair>)>("calc_dz_v_eta");
- TH2Params params_dz = {"$\\eta$", 100, -4, 4,
- "$\\Delta z$(rad)", 50, -.01, .01};
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dz_v_eta_first_hits_in_B1",
- fv::apply(calc_dz_v_eta, first_hits_in_B1),
- "First Hit in BPIX-L1", params_dz);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dz_v_eta_first_hits_in_B2",
- fv::apply(calc_dz_v_eta, first_hits_in_B2),
- "First Hit in BPIX-L2", params_dz);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dz_v_eta_first_hits_in_B1_even_ladder",
- fv::apply(calc_dz_v_eta, first_hits_in_B1_even_ladder),
- "First Hit in BPIX-L1 - Even Ladders", params_dz);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dz_v_eta_first_hits_in_B1_odd_ladder",
- fv::apply(calc_dz_v_eta, first_hits_in_B1_odd_ladder),
- "First Hit in BPIX-L1 - Odd Ladders", params_dz);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dz_v_eta_first_hits_in_B2_even_ladder",
- fv::apply(calc_dz_v_eta, first_hits_in_B2_even_ladder),
- "First Hit in BPIX-L2 - Even Ladders", params_dz);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dz_v_eta_first_hits_in_B2_odd_ladder",
- fv::apply(calc_dz_v_eta, first_hits_in_B2_odd_ladder),
- "First Hit in BPIX-L2 - Odd Ladders", params_dz);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dz_v_eta_second_hits_in_B2",
- fv::apply(calc_dz_v_eta, second_hits_in_B2),
- "Second Hit in BPIX-L2", params_dz);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dz_v_eta_second_hits_in_B3",
- fv::apply(calc_dz_v_eta, second_hits_in_B3),
- "Second Hit in BPIX-L3", params_dz);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("dz_v_eta_second_hits_in_B4",
- fv::apply(calc_dz_v_eta, second_hits_in_B4),
- "Second Hit in BPIX-L4", params_dz);
- //Plots for drho of collections defined above
- auto calc_drho_v_eta = lookup_function<pair_vec(vector<HitPair>)>("calc_drho_v_eta");
- TH2Params params_drho = {"$\\eta$", 100, -4, 4,
- "$\\Delta \\rho$(cm)", 50, -.01, .01};
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("drho_v_eta_first_hits_in_F1",
- fv::apply(calc_drho_v_eta, first_hits_in_F1),
- "First Hit in FPIX-L1", params_drho);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("drho_v_eta_first_hits_in_F2",
- fv::apply(calc_drho_v_eta, first_hits_in_F2),
- "First Hit in FPIX-L2", params_drho);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("drho_v_eta_second_hits_in_F2",
- fv::apply(calc_drho_v_eta, second_hits_in_F2),
- "Second Hit in FPIX-L2", params_drho);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("drho_v_eta_second_hits_in_F3",
- fv::apply(calc_drho_v_eta, second_hits_in_F3),
- "Second Hit in FPIX-L3", params_drho);
-void sc_value_hists_for_lb(TrackingDataSet& tds, std::function<bool(int)>& parity_check,
- const std::string& label){
- auto relabel = [label](const std::string&& base){
- return base + "_" + label;
- };
- auto BPIX_L1 = constant("BPIX_L1", PixDetElem(PixSubDet::Barrel, 1));
- auto FPIX_L1 = constant("FPIX_L1", PixDetElem(PixSubDet::EndCap, 1));
- auto BPIX_L2 = constant("BPIX_L2", PixDetElem(PixSubDet::Barrel, 2));
- auto FPIX_L2 = constant("FPIX_L2", PixDetElem(PixSubDet::EndCap, 2));
- auto BPIX_L3 = constant("BPIX_L3", PixDetElem(PixSubDet::Barrel, 3));
- auto FPIX_L3 = constant("FPIX_L2", PixDetElem(PixSubDet::EndCap, 3));
- auto BPIX_L4 = constant("BPIX_L4", PixDetElem(PixSubDet::Barrel, 4));
- auto first_hit = constant("1st", 0);
- auto second_hit = constant("2nd", 1);
- auto dRz = constant("dRz", true);
- auto dPhi = constant("dPhi", false);
- auto pcheck = constant(label, parity_check);
- auto sc_hit_residuals = lookup_function<
- pair_vec(PixDetElem, int, bool, std::function<bool(int)>)>("sc_hit_residuals");
- // First hits on inner three bpix layers
- auto sc_first_hits_in_B1_dz = fv::tup_apply(sc_hit_residuals,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L1, first_hit, dRz, pcheck), relabel("sc_first_hits_in_B1_dz"));
- auto sc_first_hits_in_B2_dz = fv::tup_apply(sc_hit_residuals,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L2, first_hit, dRz, pcheck), relabel("sc_first_hits_in_B2_dz"));
- auto sc_first_hits_in_B3_dz = fv::tup_apply(sc_hit_residuals,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L3, first_hit, dRz, pcheck), relabel("sc_first_hits_in_B3_dz"));
- auto sc_first_hits_in_B1_dphi = fv::tup_apply(sc_hit_residuals,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L1, first_hit, dPhi, pcheck), relabel("sc_first_hits_in_B1_dphi"));
- auto sc_first_hits_in_B2_dphi = fv::tup_apply(sc_hit_residuals,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L2, first_hit, dPhi, pcheck), relabel("sc_first_hits_in_B2_dphi"));
- auto sc_first_hits_in_B3_dphi = fv::tup_apply(sc_hit_residuals,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L3, first_hit, dPhi, pcheck), relabel("sc_first_hits_in_B3_dphi"));
- // Second hits on outer three bpix layers
- auto sc_second_hits_in_B2_dz = fv::tup_apply(sc_hit_residuals,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L2, second_hit, dRz, pcheck), relabel("sc_second_hits_in_B2_dz"));
- auto sc_second_hits_in_B3_dz = fv::tup_apply(sc_hit_residuals,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L3, second_hit, dRz, pcheck), relabel("sc_second_hits_in_B3_dz"));
- auto sc_second_hits_in_B4_dz = fv::tup_apply(sc_hit_residuals,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L4, second_hit, dRz, pcheck), relabel("sc_second_hits_in_B4_dz"));
- auto sc_second_hits_in_B2_dphi = fv::tup_apply(sc_hit_residuals,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L2, second_hit, dPhi, pcheck), relabel("sc_second_hits_in_B2_dphi"));
- auto sc_second_hits_in_B3_dphi = fv::tup_apply(sc_hit_residuals,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L3, second_hit, dPhi, pcheck), relabel("sc_second_hits_in_B3_dphi"));
- auto sc_second_hits_in_B4_dphi = fv::tup_apply(sc_hit_residuals,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L4, second_hit, dPhi, pcheck), relabel("sc_second_hits_in_B4_dphi"));
- TH2Params params_dz = {"$\\eta$", 100, -4, 4,
- "$\\delta z$(cm)", 100, -0.7, 0.7};
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>(relabel("sc_first_hits_in_B1_dz"),
- sc_first_hits_in_B1_dz,
- "First Hit in BPIX-L1", params_dz);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>(relabel("sc_first_hits_in_B2_dz"),
- sc_first_hits_in_B2_dz,
- "First Hit in BPIX-L2", params_dz);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>(relabel("sc_first_hits_in_B3_dz"),
- sc_first_hits_in_B3_dz,
- "First Hit in BPIX-L3", params_dz);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>(relabel("sc_second_hits_in_B2_dz"),
- sc_second_hits_in_B2_dz,
- "Second Hit in BPIX-L2", params_dz);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>(relabel("sc_second_hits_in_B3_dz"),
- sc_second_hits_in_B3_dz,
- "Second Hit in BPIX-L3", params_dz);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>(relabel("sc_second_hits_in_B4_dz"),
- sc_second_hits_in_B4_dz,
- "Second Hit in BPIX-L4", params_dz);
- TH2Params params_dphi = {"$\\eta$", 100, -4, 4,
- "$\\delta \\phi$(rad)", 1500, -0.7, 0.7};
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>(relabel("sc_first_hits_in_B1_dphi"),
- sc_first_hits_in_B1_dphi,
- "First Hit in BPIX-L1", params_dphi);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>(relabel("sc_first_hits_in_B2_dphi"),
- sc_first_hits_in_B2_dphi,
- "First Hit in BPIX-L2", params_dphi);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>(relabel("sc_first_hits_in_B3_dphi"),
- sc_first_hits_in_B3_dphi,
- "First Hit in BPIX-L3", params_dphi);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>(relabel("sc_second_hits_in_B2_dphi"),
- sc_second_hits_in_B2_dphi,
- "Second Hit in BPIX-L2", params_dphi);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>(relabel("sc_second_hits_in_B3_dphi"),
- sc_second_hits_in_B3_dphi,
- "Second Hit in BPIX-L3", params_dphi);
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>(relabel("sc_second_hits_in_B4_dphi"),
- sc_second_hits_in_B4_dphi,
- "Second Hit in BPIX-L4", params_dphi);
-void setup_sc_residuals(TrackingDataSet& tds){
- /* sc_hit_residuals looks through all the super clusters in the event and
- * examins the matched pixel hits. It calculates a residual based on the
- * extrapolated position of the SC track and the position of the matched
- * hit.
- * subdet: 1 for barrel, 2 for endcap
- * pix_layer: 1-4 for barrel, 1-3 for endcap
- * hit_number: examin either the first or second matched hit
- * sel_dRz: True: calculate dR, False: calculate dz
- * pcheck: a boolean function that filters residuals based on
- * ladder/blade. Normally used to select either even or odd ladders.
- */
- func<pair_vec(PixDetElem, int, bool, std::function<bool(int)>)>("sc_hit_residuals",
- FUNC(([](const PixDetElem&& pixdet,
- const int&& hit_number,
- const bool&& sel_dRz,
- const std::function<bool(int)>& pcheck){
- vector<float> residuals;
- vector<float> etas;
- for(auto super_cluster : super_clusters){ // loop over all super-clusters
- float dRz, dPhi;
- int ladder;
- unsigned int nSeeds = super_cluster.charge().size();
- for(unsigned int seedIdx=0; seedIdx<nSeeds; seedIdx++){ // loop over all seeds associated w/ sc
- if(hit_number == 0){
- if(!pixdet.contains((PixSubDet)super_cluster.subDet1()[seedIdx], super_cluster.lay1()[seedIdx])) continue;
- dRz = super_cluster.dRz1()[seedIdx];
- dPhi = super_cluster.dPhi1()[seedIdx];
- /* ladder = super_cluster.ladder1()[seedIdx]; */
- }else{
- if(!pixdet.contains((PixSubDet)super_cluster.subDet2()[seedIdx], super_cluster.lay2()[seedIdx])) continue;
- dRz = super_cluster.dRz2()[seedIdx];
- dPhi = super_cluster.dPhi2()[seedIdx];
- /* ladder = super_cluster.ladder2()[seedIdx]; */
- }
- ladder = 0; // TODO: Need to re-add ladder to tree for super-clusters
- DEBUG("New Seed, Idx: " << seedIdx << endl
- << "\tdRz: " << dRz << endl
- << "\tdPhi: " << dPhi << endl);
- if(!pcheck(ladder)) continue;
- if(sel_dRz)
- residuals.push_back(dRz);
- else
- residuals.push_back(dPhi);
- etas.push_back(pseudorapidityP(super_cluster));
- }
- }
- return std::make_pair(etas,residuals);
- })));
- std::function<bool(int)> even = [](const int& t){ return !(t%2); };
- std::function<bool(int)> odd = [](const int& t){ return (t%2); };
- sc_value_hists_for_lb(tds, even, "even");
- sc_value_hists_for_lb(tds, odd, "odd");
-void setup_residual_cross_corrolations(TrackingDataSet& tds){
- /*
- * Interesting cross-corrolations
- * for hit1 in L1 or L2
- * dphi2 v dz1
- * dz2 v dz1
- * dphi2 v dphi1
- * dz2 v dphi1
- */
- enum Res{
- dz1,
- dz2,
- dPhi1,
- dPhi2
- };
- auto sc_cross_correlations = func<pair_vec(PixDetElem, PixDetElem, Res, Res)>("sc_cross_correlations",
- FUNC(([](const PixDetElem&& subdet1,
- const PixDetElem&& subdet2,
- const Res&& res1,
- const Res&& res2){
- vector<float> residuals1;
- vector<float> residuals2;
- for(auto super_cluster : super_clusters){ // loop over all supser-clusters
- unsigned int nSeeds = super_cluster.charge().size();
- for(unsigned int seedIdx=0; seedIdx<nSeeds; seedIdx++){ // loop over all seeds associated w/ sc
- if (!subdet1.contains((PixSubDet)super_cluster.subDet1()[seedIdx],super_cluster.lay1()[seedIdx]) ||
- !subdet2.contains((PixSubDet)super_cluster.subDet2()[seedIdx],super_cluster.lay2()[seedIdx]))
- continue;
- switch(res1){
- case Res::dz1:
- residuals1.push_back(super_cluster.dRz1()[seedIdx]);
- break;
- case Res::dz2:
- residuals1.push_back(super_cluster.dRz2()[seedIdx]);
- break;
- case Res::dPhi1:
- residuals1.push_back(super_cluster.dPhi1()[seedIdx]);
- break;
- case Res::dPhi2:
- residuals1.push_back(super_cluster.dPhi2()[seedIdx]);
- break;
- }
- switch(res2){
- case Res::dz1:
- residuals2.push_back(super_cluster.dRz1()[seedIdx]);
- break;
- case Res::dz2:
- residuals2.push_back(super_cluster.dRz2()[seedIdx]);
- break;
- case Res::dPhi1:
- residuals2.push_back(super_cluster.dPhi1()[seedIdx]);
- break;
- case Res::dPhi2:
- residuals2.push_back(super_cluster.dPhi2()[seedIdx]);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return std::make_pair(residuals1,residuals2);
- })));
- auto BPIX_L1 = constant("BPIX_L1", PixDetElem(PixSubDet::Barrel, 1));
- auto BPIX_L2 = constant("BPIX_L2", PixDetElem(PixSubDet::Barrel, 2));
- auto BPIX_L3 = constant("BPIX_L3", PixDetElem(PixSubDet::Barrel, 3));
- auto BPIX_L4 = constant("BPIX_L4", PixDetElem(PixSubDet::Barrel, 4));
- auto v_dz1 = constant("dz1", Res::dz1);
- auto v_dz2 = constant("dz2", Res::dz2);
- auto v_dPhi1 = constant("dPhi1", Res::dPhi1);
- auto v_dPhi2 = constant("dPhi2", Res::dPhi2);
- auto sc_dphi2_v_dz1_L1_L2 = fv::tup_apply(sc_cross_correlations,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L1, BPIX_L2, v_dPhi2, v_dz1), "sc_dphi1_v_dz1_L1_L2");
- auto sc_dz2_v_dz1_L1_L2 = fv::tup_apply(sc_cross_correlations,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L1, BPIX_L2, v_dz2, v_dz1), "sc_dz2_v_dz1_L1_L2");
- auto sc_dphi2_v_dphi1_L1_L2 = fv::tup_apply(sc_cross_correlations,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L1, BPIX_L2, v_dPhi2, v_dPhi1), "sc_dphi1_v_dphi1_L1_L2");
- auto sc_dz2_v_dphi1_L1_L2 = fv::tup_apply(sc_cross_correlations,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L1, BPIX_L2, v_dz2, v_dPhi1), "sc_dz2_v_dphi1_L1_L2");
- TH2Params hist_params = TH2Params::lookup("sc_dphi2_v_dz1_L1_L2");
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("sc_dphi2_v_dz1_L1_L2",
- sc_dphi2_v_dz1_L1_L2,
- "sc_dphi2_v_dz1_L1_L2", hist_params);
- hist_params = TH2Params::lookup("sc_dz2_v_dz1_L1_L2");
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("sc_dz2_v_dz1_L1_L2",
- sc_dz2_v_dz1_L1_L2,
- "sc_dz2_v_dz1_L1_L2", hist_params);
- hist_params = TH2Params::lookup("sc_dphi2_v_dphi1_L1_L2");
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("sc_dphi2_v_dphi1_L1_L2",
- sc_dphi2_v_dphi1_L1_L2,
- "sc_dphi2_v_dphi1_L1_L2", hist_params);
- hist_params = TH2Params::lookup("sc_dz2_v_dphi1_L1_L2");
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("sc_dz2_v_dphi1_L1_L2",
- sc_dz2_v_dphi1_L1_L2,
- "sc_dz2_v_dphi1_L1_L2", hist_params);
- hist_params = TH2Params::lookup("sc_dz2_v_dz1_L1_L2_zoom");
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("sc_dz2_v_dz1_L1_L2_zoom",
- sc_dz2_v_dz1_L1_L2,
- "sc_dz2_v_dz1_L1_L2_zoom", hist_params);
- hist_params = TH2Params::lookup("sc_dz2_v_dphi1_L1_L2_zoom");
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("sc_dz2_v_dphi1_L1_L2_zoom",
- sc_dz2_v_dphi1_L1_L2,
- "sc_dz2_v_dphi1_L1_L2_zoom", hist_params);
- hist_params = TH2Params::lookup("sc_dphi2_v_dphi1_L1_L2_zoom");
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("sc_dphi2_v_dphi1_L1_L2_zoom",
- sc_dphi2_v_dphi1_L1_L2,
- "sc_dphi2_v_dphi1_L1_L2_zoom", hist_params);
- auto sc_dphi2_v_dz1_L1_L3 = fv::tup_apply(sc_cross_correlations,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L1, BPIX_L3, v_dPhi2, v_dz1), "sc_dphi1_v_dz1_L1_L3");
- auto sc_dz2_v_dz1_L1_L3 = fv::tup_apply(sc_cross_correlations,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L1, BPIX_L3, v_dz2, v_dz1), "sc_dz2_v_dz1_L1_L3");
- auto sc_dphi2_v_dphi1_L1_L3 = fv::tup_apply(sc_cross_correlations,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L1, BPIX_L3, v_dPhi2, v_dPhi1), "sc_dphi1_v_dphi1_L1_L3");
- auto sc_dz2_v_dphi1_L1_L3 = fv::tup_apply(sc_cross_correlations,
- fv::tuple(BPIX_L1, BPIX_L3, v_dz2, v_dPhi1), "sc_dz2_v_dphi1_L1_L3");
- hist_params = TH2Params::lookup("sc_dphi2_v_dz1_L1_L2");
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("sc_dphi2_v_dz1_L1_L3",
- sc_dphi2_v_dz1_L1_L3,
- "sc_dphi2_v_dz1_L1_L3", hist_params);
- hist_params = TH2Params::lookup("sc_dz2_v_dz1_L1_L2");
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("sc_dz2_v_dz1_L1_L3",
- sc_dz2_v_dz1_L1_L3,
- "sc_dz2_v_dz1_L1_L3", hist_params);
- hist_params = TH2Params::lookup("sc_dphi2_v_dphi1_L1_L2");
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("sc_dphi2_v_dphi1_L1_L3",
- sc_dphi2_v_dphi1_L1_L3,
- "sc_dphi2_v_dphi1_L1_L3", hist_params);
- hist_params = TH2Params::lookup("sc_dz2_v_dphi1_L1_L2");
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("sc_dz2_v_dphi1_L1_L3",
- sc_dz2_v_dphi1_L1_L3,
- "sc_dz2_v_dphi1_L1_L3", hist_params);
- hist_params = TH2Params::lookup("sc_dz2_v_dz1_L1_L2_zoom");
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("sc_dz2_v_dz1_L1_L3_zoom",
- sc_dz2_v_dz1_L1_L3,
- "sc_dz2_v_dz1_L1_L3_zoom", hist_params);
- hist_params = TH2Params::lookup("sc_dz2_v_dphi1_L1_L2_zoom");
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("sc_dz2_v_dphi1_L1_L3_zoom",
- sc_dz2_v_dphi1_L1_L3,
- "sc_dz2_v_dphi1_L1_L3_zoom", hist_params);
- hist_params = TH2Params::lookup("sc_dphi2_v_dphi1_L1_L2_zoom");
- tds.register_container<ContainerTH2Many<float>>("sc_dphi2_v_dphi1_L1_L3_zoom",
- sc_dphi2_v_dphi1_L1_L3,
- "sc_dphi2_v_dphi1_L1_L3_zoom", hist_params);
-void run_analysis(const vector<fv::util::DataFileDescriptor>& dfds, const string output_filename, bool silent){
- gSystem->Load("libfilval.so");
- auto replace_suffix = [](const std::string& input, const std::string& new_suffix){
- return input.substr(0, input.find_last_of(".")) + new_suffix;
- };
- string log_filename = replace_suffix(output_filename, ".log");
- fv::util::Log::init_logger(log_filename, fv::util::LogPriority::kLogInfo);
- TrackingDataSet tds(output_filename, dfds, "trackingNtuple/tree");
- /* tds.set_max_events(10); */
- register_objects(tds);
- setup_hit_pair_functions();
- setup_first_hit_pairs(tds);
- setup_skipped_layer_hit_pairs(tds);
- /* setup_sc_residuals(tds); */
- /* setup_residual_cross_corrolations(tds); */
- tds.process(silent);
- tds.save_all();
-int main(int argc, char * argv[]){
- fv::util::ArgParser args(argc, argv);
- bool silent = args.cmdOptionExists("-s");
- string output_filename = args.cmdOptionExists("-o") ? args.getCmdOption("-o") : "output.root";
- if(args.cmdOptionExists("-c")){
- fv::util::init_config(args.getCmdOption("-c"));
- }
- if(args.cmdOptionExists("-F")){
- auto file_list = fv::util::read_input_list(args.getCmdOption("-F"));
- run_analysis(file_list, output_filename, silent);
- }else if(args.cmdOptionExists("-f")){
- string input_filename = args.getCmdOption("-f");
- string data_label = args.cmdOptionExists("-l") ? args.getCmdOption("-l") : "";
- string data_category = args.cmdOptionExists("-c") ? args.getCmdOption("-c") : "";
- fv::util::DataFileDescriptor dfd(input_filename, data_label, data_category);
- run_analysis(std::vector<fv::util::DataFileDescriptor>({dfd}), output_filename, silent);
- }else {
- cout << "Usage: ./tracking_validation (-s) {-o output_filename} -F datafiles.txt" << endl;
- cout << " ./tracking_validation (-s) {-l DATA_LABEL} {-c DATA_CATEGORY} {-o output_filename} -f treefile.root" << endl;
- }
- return 0;